How to write a Case Study Analysis Paper from Scratch

author By Mary Boies

A case study analysis assignment is a common written assessment task that you will encounter as you study. Many disciplines use case studies to assess your creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, analytical, and writing skills. Therefore, it is important to know how to write a case study analysis paper or essay.

how to ace a case study analysis paper

This exhaustive guide introduces you to writing case study analysis without struggling. You will be able to write a case study assignment with solutions to various issues. Do not feel anxious about writing a case study analysis. Trust us; the process is easier when you know what you are doing.

If you stick to reading this article to the end, you will get insights on the steps to take, how to approach this assignment, and tips to ensure that your case study scores the highest grade in your class. These are tried and tested approaches that our case study writers use. And in case all you need is help with writing your case study, you can place an order and get a customized case study analysis paper.

Let's dive into the essentials.

What is a case study analysis?

A case study analysis is an academic task that entails investigating issues or problems, examining alternative or potential solutions, and proposing the most effective or practical solution supported by evidence from scholarly sources. Case study analyses focus on analyzing situations, events, places, organizations, phenomena, or people.

Ideally, case studies effectively help find solutions to problems that cannot be studied or observed in controlled settings such as laboratories or through scientific/quantitative studies. You immerse yourself into the world of the case study and develop solutions.

You will likely be assigned to analyze a case study if you pursue disciplines such as nursing, business and management, social sciences, geography, medicine and health sciences, social work, and leadership. However, business management and nursing students are commonly assigned to write case study analysis papers.

Case Study vs. Research Paper

Case studies and research papers have a few common features between them. For example, they are both academic writings and require proper formatting. However, the two types of academic writing also have many differences.

The most significant difference between the two types of academic writing is how the introduction is written. For example, when writing a case study, you must provide a complete introduction to the case study and mention various aspects of the case presented. However, you will typically not be required to provide a citation or even your own opinion.

In contrast, you will not need to provide a complete introduction to the general topic or mention all the critical aspects when writing a research paper. Instead, you will typically be required to give a brief overview of the topic and provide a citation. Your views are also expected in the research paper introduction.

Types of Case Studies

There are four types of cases studies � illustrative case studies, cumulative case studies, exploratory case studies, and critical instance case studies.

1. Illustrative case studies

An illustrative case study entails the examination of a specific case or situation to provide an explanation or a complete understanding of it. A typical illustrative case study will be very descriptive and, at the same time, quite simple so that readers can understand the situation entirely. The function of illustrative case studies is simply to explain.

2. Cumulative case studies

A cumulative case study will gather information from different sources and organize it for easy understanding. The objective of cumulative case studies is to research a topic and summarize the important information from various sources to prevent unnecessary new investigations. The typical cumulative study is a data analysis to prevent spending time and money on repetitive investigations.

3. Exploratory/pilot case studies

An exploratory case study is conducted before a large-scale investigation. The objective of exploratory case studies is to identify questions and methods for large-scale investigations. Exploratory case studies help researchers get more information about their studies before further research. They are typically used in social sciences such as political science.

4.  Critical instance case studies

A critical instance case study is one that is conducted to find out the cause and effect of an occurrence or event. The main objective of critical instance case studies is simply to investigate events to explain them and their consequence clearly.

Now that you know the different types of case studies in general academic writing, it is time to discover how to write a case study outline for great results.

Our focus, however, is on the case study where you are given a scenario and asked to analyze it and develop practical solutions.

How to write a case study analysis outline

Before writing any academic paper, you need to write an outline. An outline will help you organize your work and write a logical and well-structured paper. A paper that will ensure you do not lose marks because of poor structure.

In this section, we will share a simple case study outline. You can use the information below to create your outline when asked to write a case study at the university level.

The typical case study outline should include the following elements:

1. Introduction

When outlining the introduction, you should assume the reader has not read the case at all, so all the key issues and problems in the case study should be noted.

2. Background information  

You should set the scene for the read when outlining the background information paragraph. Note all the crucial issues in the case study and include some research.

3. Case Evaluation

Highlight the critical issues or challenges you identified in the introduction. Provide a brief overview of how you will evaluate the key issues and challenges. Demonstrate that you have done the research to understand the issues.

4. Solutions

Highlight solutions or changes needed to address the issues you have evaluated. Briefly explain why you have chosen the solutions you have chosen. Briefly support the solutions with solid evidence, e.g., scholarly information, concepts from class, and personal experience.

5. Recommendations

Propose recommendations to rectify the key issues or challenges. Highlight what should be done and by whom to address the key issues and challenges.

6. References

When you are done outlining your case study analysis as above, you should highlight the references you will use. Again, the references will come from your research.

The case study analysis outline above will help you ensure your case study analysis has all the critical elements your professor expects.

In the section below, you will discover how to write a case analysis. If you follow all the steps detailed below, you should be able to write an impressive case analysis.

Related Readings:

Seven steps to follow when writing a case analysis

A typical case study analysis will require you to read a case study, identify key issues or challenges, evaluate the issues, propose solutions, and provide recommendations. Follow the steps below to learn how exactly to write a case analysis.

1. Read and re-read the case

The key to writing an impressive case analysis paper is to understand the case completely. Because understanding the case fully and thoroughly will allow you to quickly identify the key issues your professor wants you to identify for analysis.

The best way to read and understand the case is to read it twice. The first time you read it, you should just read everything from the first word to the last. The second time you read the case, you should note down all the important facts and issues in the case.

2. Focus your case analysis

You have made a good start if you have noted more than five issues after reading the case. The next thing you should do is focus your analysis. So, if you identified more than five issues, you should narrow them down to two or three key issues.

After identifying the key issues, you will be focusing on; you should identify why they exist or what caused them. You should then identify their impact. Finally, you should use class concepts (readings, discussions, and materials) or research to identify the causes of the issues and their impact.

3. Research possible solutions

After identifying the key issues and all that pertains to them, you should research possible solutions. First, look for possible solutions in your course readings. Next, try outside research if you do not find the solutions in your course readings. First, try your college library. If you do not succeed, try Google search and focus on finding solutions from credible sources.

4. Select the best solution

After researching and finding possible solutions, choose the most realistic solution(s) among them. Then, consider the pros and cons of the solutions to select the best solution(s).

5. Create an outline

After gathering all the information above, you will be ready to create an outline for your case analysis. Your outline will guide you when actually writing your analysis.

Your professor might prefer you write the analysis differently. However, even if that is the case, the information you have collected above will still help you write the case analysis.

The section above this one has an outline you can use to arrange all the information gathered in the four steps above.

6. Write the first draft

After creating a proper outline for your case analysis, you will be ready to write your first draft. Simply follow the outline to arrange the information you have gathered into a flowing and well-structured case analysis. Make sure you cite all the information you get from outside research and classwork and that you provide all the references to the citations.

After you are done writing the first draft, you should read through it and edit to eliminate the obvious mistakes you will notice.

7. Finalize the case analysis

Upon eliminating the mistakes, you find in the first draft; you should slowly read your draft to find out if your thesis is clear. If it is not, you should improve it to make it clear. Throughout your case analysis, you should then read to determine if you have provided strong evidence in all the instances you needed to. If not, do so and cite where necessary.

Lastly, proofread and edit your case study to ensure that it is easy to read and understand.

The steps above should help you write an excellent case analysis that impresses your professor.

Structure/Outline for a Case Study Analysis Essay or Paper

As you learn how to write a case study analysis paper, you must also understand the format or structure to follow. Sometimes, you might be given a case study analysis template that you will follow. Follow the format we outline below for clarity, organization, and coherence if none is given.

Executive Summary

This is also referred to as synopsis. It summarizes the entire case analysis. An executive summary gives a clear picture of the entire case study analysis. It comes immediately after the title page, just like an abstract. The contents include:


The introduction of the case analysis paper should be brief and direct to the point. You should identify the problems and issues in the case. It should also contain your thesis statement and a summary of the outcomes of your analysis, written in 1-2 sentences.


The background section sets the scene for your case study paper. It should include relevant facts about the company, issues in the case study, and implications of these problems. As well, ensure that you demonstrate your research scope by critically analyzing the problems. In some cases, the background is usually part of the introduction. But you have the freedom to separate them into different sections for clarity.

Evaluation of the Case

Critically analyze and present the various aspects of the case study that you will be focusing on. Then, evaluate these focus points by elaborating on what works and does not. In most cases, use the facts provided in the case study to identify the issues or challenges facing the case study organization. Then, explain the causes of these challenges or issues and explore the alternative solutions.

Propose Solutions, Improvements, or Change

Under this section, provide the specific, realistic, practical, and plausible solution to the identified issues. Explain the rationale for choosing the particular solution over the others. When explaining, use scholarly evidence, exhibits from the case, and examples. Connect the solution to concepts or theories from class. You should conduct detailed research and draw from your personal experience if that is necessary. You can use sections and sub-sections for this part of your paper.


Under this section, you should determine, define, and discuss the strategies that can be used to achieve the proposed solutions. Then, you can come up with a plan that would work and specify the requirements to overcome the potential challenges. Persuasively write this section because you are trying to recommend a change, often followed by resistance. Again, give examples, illustrations, and evidence from scholarly literature.


Wind up your analysis by summarizing the major points of your case analysis. Let your readers understand the case study evaluation, problems, and potential solutions. Then, rephrase and present the thesis statement and leave the readers with the option of looking at the solution and how to get the most out of these solutions.

References or Bibliography

List all the sources used in the case study as per the recommended format in the instructions. You can format them in APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago format.


Under this section of the case analysis paper, you should present the charts, graphs, images, data tables, or pictures relevant to your case study analysis. These contents are otherwise not included in the body of the case study analysis but provide further information to the readers.

Things to Avoid in Case Analysis

Whenever you are asked to write a case analysis, you should know that there are some common mistakes that you should avoid. They include:

1. You should never use slang or informal language

While some case study analyses require you to provide information from your personal experience or experiences, you should never use slang or informal language. If you do so, you could lose marks.

2. You should never lack solid evidence

You should always include solid evidence in your case analysis whenever you can. Solid evidence is information you gain from credible books, journals, class materials, etc. You will undoubtedly lose marks if you don�t include solid evidence to back your claims or arguments.

3. Unnecessary details

You should strictly include only the necessary details in your case analysis, especially in the introduction and background information paragraphs. You do not need to rewrite the entire case in your analysis. This is unnecessary, and it will not earn you any marks.

4. Outline

You should always use an outline to structure your case analysis properly and give it an exemplary logical flow. If you fail to write an outline before you start to write your case analysis, your work may lack structure and flow.

5. Not editing the paper

After writing your case analysis, you should always proofread it. Even if you feel confident that you have done a good job, you should proofread your work to eliminate grammar errors, typos, run-on sentences, etc. No student is too good a writer to proofread their work.  

Concluding remarks

Thus far, you are now knowledgeable about everything important you need to know to write a good or excellent case study analysis.

The information provided above is more than sufficient for them to write a good case analysis for some. However, for others, the information is maybe not enough.

If you are in the former camp, you should write your case analysis. If you are in the latter camp, you should work with us. We are a leading essay writing company with tutors ready to help students with any type of academic assignment.

Our case study writers can write a perfect case analysis following all the requirements. Suppose you decide to order a case analysis from us. In that case, you will get a well-written and proofread case analysis paper that you can use in any way you please.

Whether you decide to write your case analysis or work with us to get a case analysis, you will learn something at the end of the day. In addition, you will gain insights that will help you be more confident when you need to write a case study analysis in the future.

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