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Should you Include Citations in Introductions and Conclusions?

author By Mary Boies Updated Feb 20 2024
Any academic paper that you write must focus on your essential ideas. Your introduction and conclusion paragraphs should contain the thesis statement, which tells your readers about your paper. The thesis will then be developed in the body of your paper, supported by other related points. Every…

How to write a 2000-word Essay: What works Best?

author By Mary Boies Updated Feb 04 2024
Writing a remarkable 2000-word essay is an overwhelming task for students. This type of essay requires an overwhelming amount of knowledge, time to write, and the ability to organize your thoughts concisely. This guide will explain everything you need to complete a 2000-word essay.

How to Write the Best Philosophy Paper (A Complete Guide)

author By Mary Boies Updated Feb 02 2024
How many times have you sat down ready to write a philosophy paper only to realize you cannot seem to organize your thoughts or, worse, have nothing in mind to write? This then leaves you feeling bad about yourself. Writing a philosophy paper is different from writing other academic papers. An…

Steps for Writing Great Eating Disorders Essays

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 29 2024
You might wonder where to begin when assigned to write an essay on eating disorders. You are not alone. In this article, we lay the groundwork for you so that you can write a perfect eating disorders essay no matter the type of eating disorder you select. We cover aspects such as formulating a good…

Writing a Great Analytical Essay (Steps, Tips, & Examples)

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 11 2023
Analytical essay writing is a common assignment in college and university. You might have found yourself writing it.

Risks of Using AI for Essay/Assignment Writing

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 23 2023
Artificial Intelligence, commonly called AI, has greatly transformed several aspects of our lives today, education being one of those areas. Numerous essay-writing programs available today promise to save students energy and time while guaranteeing top grades. EssayManiacs has real human writers who…

Writing a Rebuttal for an Argumentative Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 04 2023
Before we delve into the topic, it is first essential to understand what a rebuttal is in writing. Rebutting is a way of arguing facts or points mentioned in an essay.When included in an essay, you will acknowledge the points made by the opposition while supporting your arguments.This article will…

How to Write a Social Science Paper or Assignment

author By Mary Boies Updated May 03 2023
Writing a top-grade social science assignment or paper is challenging for most students. It is something that takes a lot of work and effort. Nevertheless, it is doable. You can create brilliant social science assignments and papers with the proper knowledge and effort. The sort that gets you…

How to Write a DBQ for the Highest Scores

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
Successfully preparing for college is not easy. It involves a lot of hard work and effort. One of the things many high school students across the country do to prepare for college is to take AP exams. Taking and passing AP exams can help students get the courses they want. It can also help students…

How to Write a Perfect Essay On/About War (A Complete Guide)

author By Mary Boies Updated Mar 07 2023
War is painful. It causes mass death and the destruction of infrastructure on an unimaginable scale. Unfortunately, as humans, we have not yet been able to prevent wars and conflicts from happening. Nevertheless, we are studying them to understand them and their causes better.In this post, we will…

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Write an Autobiographical Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
An autobiography essay assignment is a pretty common college assignment. An autobiographical essay is about the life of the person writing it, so it uses a first-person perspective and personal pronouns like “I” and “me.” As a college student, you must learn and master how to…

Comprehensive List of Great Essay Writing Topics for Students

author By Mary Boies Updated Jun 10 2023
Everybody who has tried writing an academic essay would agree that choosing the best topic to write about is probably the greatest hurdle that awaits every essay writer. This is especially true if you are to write an essay whose essay prompt gives you the freedom to select a topic that you find…

Conciseness when Writing Academic Papers – A Guide, Examples, & Checklist

author By Mary Boies Updated Feb 20 2023
Nowadays, there is a lot of hype about using more words to make a point, especially in academic writing. But the biggest question is, does this lengthy piece have what it takes to engage readers?

Tips to Help You Do Better in ALEKS (A Guide)

author By Mary Boies Updated Jun 10 2023
In this blog post, we share tips on finishing ALEKS topics faster and succeeding at them.As an online tutoring platform, ALEKS allows you to study for main courses: Mathematics, Statistics, Business, and Chemistry. It is a perfect platform where you know what you are doing or are focused on…

How to Write a Lab Report (Format, Template, and Examples)

author By Mary Boies Updated Jun 10 2023
If you are pursuing any science major that requires lab work, you will most likely be required to write a lab report after every lab session. This is meant to help you to become an expert at writing lab reports so that later in life you will find it easy to do the same at work.

How to Avoid Fluff in an Essay (Tips and Strategies)

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
When writing a blog article, it is recommended you use flowery language to captivate your audience and keep them coming back for more. In contrast, when writing an academic essay, or any other academic paper for that matter, it is recommended you use direct language with no excessive words or…

Writing a Reaction or Response Paper Properly (A Guide)

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Response papers are perhaps the most exciting type of college paper to write. A typical response paper is a student's reaction to a text or literary work. In other words, it allows students to express their opinions on a topic.Response papers are relatively common in college, and this behooves you…

Writing a Summative Essay - A Guide with Tips and Examples

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Summative essays are among the most common ones academic tutors and lecturers use to assess their students' analytical and learning abilities. This type of essay is normally used to examine the students’ comprehension and knowledge of certain concepts or course material. And just like other…

How to Take Notes in Class (Strategies, Skills, and Methods)

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 29 2023
If you are not gifted with a photographic memory, taking notes may be your only option for understanding and retaining information. Note-taking is a method of writing where you jot down only the most critical information from your reading materials or class lessons. Remembering specific details or…

Using First, Second, and Third Person in Academic/Formal Writing

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 24 2023
Point of view in academic writing is the direction from which you will develop the arguments in your essay. Since there are different types of essays and different styles of points of view, you will have to make a choice depending on who your audience is and the reason for writing.

Psychology Research Topics and Ideas for Students

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 20 2023
Psychology is an interesting area of study connected to almost everything that happens within and around us.

206 Plus Feminism and Feminist Topics and Ideas for Papers

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 03 2023
You can bet that you will write many papers in college and university through your graduate studies. One of the areas that you will most likely write about is feminism. Academic essays and assignments about feminism are prevalent. And for these, you must come up with or select good feminist…

How to Create Emphasis in a Sentence, Word, or Text

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 12 2023
There are generally two ways to add emphasis in written work – through the use of formatting & punctuation and through changing sentence structure.

Tips and Tricks for Preparing for and Taking the ACT

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 29 2023
ACT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States and is administered by ACT, a not-for-profit organization.The test covers academic areas, including English, Mathematics, reading, and science reasoning. There is an optional essay writing test, which one chooses…

How to Read Effectively at College, University, and Graduate Level

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 29 2023
If you plan to get a higher GPA in high school, college, or university, you must be prepared to read. Reading is a vital learning activity at the university that exposes you to language and knowledge in your preferred field. It is the crux of participating in classes, completing assignments, and…

Writing Conventions for Technical & Academic Writing (A Guide)

author By Mary Boies Updated Feb 03 2023
Writing Conventions refer to writing mechanics, including punctuation, spelling, handwriting, capitalization, and paragraphing.Successfully applying the mechanics of writing in academic, technical, and professional writing help to grab the attention of the readers as you meticulously consider the…

How to Write a Comprehensive Book Critique Assignment

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 03 2023
Writing a critical book review should have two primary goals: to inform the reader about the book's content in summary form and to provide an assessment that gives your judgment of the quality and gist of the book.It is important not to confuse a book critique for a book review. When writing a book…

How to Integrate a List of Things in an Essay or Paper

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 31 2022
In academic writing, all papers must follow strict formatting rules and structures. Essays, research papers, term papers, dissertations, theses, or reports are written in APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, or Oxford, among other formatting styles. With the structure comes some rules to maintain, and one of…

How to Write a CUEGIS Essay and Score an A

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
Students pursuing business management degrees in the Western World often must write at least one CUEGIS essay before graduating. The essay prepares them for various careers in business management, such as business development managers, business analysts, and business advisors.If you are pursuing a…

What is the Optimal Length of a Research Paper?

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 22 2022
Writing research papers on various research topics and ideas is almost mandatory for high school, college, and university students. Even though the process of writing is intensive, most people wonder about the ideal length of a research paper.It gets even scarier when an instructor or professor…

Can you write a TOK essay in one Night? Find out from this Guide!

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Every student wants to finish their TOK essay, and knowing how to do it fast can be useful, especially if you have been preparing long for it. We thought it wise to write a guide to help you ace your TOK essay, even if it means doing it within a night or a few hours.We believe that with the tips,…

How to Write a Top-Grade Critical/Rhetorical Precis

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
If you are unaware of writing a critical précis, you can be one troubled and stressed student. It is an academic writing assignment assigned to students to work on at some point in their academic journey.Without properly knowing its definition, format, structure, and the steps to take when…

Annotated Bibliography Topics and Ideas

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 09 2023
Choosing the right topic for any assignment, paper, or task is always confusing for most students. The dilemma that comes with choosing a good topic, especially for an annotated bibliography essay, is just too much.It becomes worse when your professor or instructor assumes that such an exercise is…

How to Know an Article is Peer-Reviewed (Scholarly/Refereed)?

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
Are you unsure if the article you have identified as a scholarly source is peer-reviewed? Well, you are not alone. Finding peer-reviewed articles to use in essays and research papers can be stressful, as most students might agree.Peer-reviewed articles are integral in research writing since they…

The Ideal Number of Paragraphs in an Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 09 2022
So you have been assigned an essay, read the instructions, picked the topic, researched scholarly sources, and developed a preliminary thesis. All that remains is to write the essay word after word, sentence after sentence, and paragraph after paragraph.

How long Should a Short Length Essay Be?

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Meeting words such as "short," "concise," "brief," or "precise" in an essay instruction file/prompt would automatically signal you that you are to write a short essay. And primarily, such short essays are assigned in essay exams, admission/scholarship essays, and sometimes standard essays exploring…

Advertisement Analysis Essay: Steps, Tips, Insights, & Example

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Conventional selling methods that entail rational thoughts are no longer effective.Today, advertisements that motivate the viewer or reader to take deliberate action stimulate emotion.Therefore, knowing how to write an advertisement analysis essay correctly is an essential skill that all marketing…

Tips and Insights for Writing Essay Exams for the best Grades

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 27 2022
Every student dreads essay exams yet it is an integral part of the assessment that almost every student must undertake. It is usually certain that a student will encounter exams comprising essays alone, whether short or long.Usually, such exams don’t give as much time as essay assignments. Rather,…

Rules and Tips to Make an Appealing PowerPoint Presentation

author By Mary Boies Updated Oct 29 2022
You will be required to make a PowerPoint presentation on a topic in high school, college, or university and your professional life. It could be on a research paper, a term paper you wrote, or coursework you are almost completing.Many nursing, business, and management students and students pursuing…

What are the components of a Research Paper?

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 03 2023
Students and professionals write research papers and reports, yet a common worry is "what makes a research paper?". A complete research paper structure has different parts that complement one another to make the information and ideas flow so that you can achieve the aim of writing.A typical research…

4 Types of Sentences with Examples and Tips

author By Mary Boies Updated Oct 13 2022
There are four key types of sentences used in Standard English. Each type has a unique purpose. For two key reasons, understanding the differences between the different types of sentences is important. One, it enhances your understanding of English writing. Two, it enhances your writing, whether it…

Is Paying for Essays, Homework, and Assignment Help Legal?

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
How often have you wondered whether you can pay someone to write an essay for you? If you are among the millions of students struggling with multiple assignments, classwork, and other school projects, having a helping hand seems reasonable and legal.According to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA),…

How to Write an Meomorable Commemorative Speech

author By Mary Boies Updated Oct 10 2022
Are you planning to give a commemorative speech and don't know where to begin? You are in luck because this article breaks down everything, making it easier to write and deliver a good speech to your audience.

Research Paper topics for Every Student

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 22 2024
Table of ContentAbortion Research Topics and IdeasAgriculture Research TopicsAlcohol and Substance AbuseArgumentative Research Topics and IdeasArts Research Topics and IdeasBiology Research Topics and IdeasBitcoin, Blockchain, & CryptocurrencyBusiness and Management Research Topics and…

How to Buy Dissertation Online without Getting Caught

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 26 2022
A typical dissertation is between 100 and 300 pages long. Therefore, it requires plenty of time, effort, and discipline to successfully complete.Unfortunately, most graduate students have to juggle work, family, and study. Many are doing their postgraduate studies to get a promotion, undertake…

Citing Images and Figures in Essays and Papers

author By Mary Boies Updated Oct 02 2022
A common question among students is whether to include a figure in academic writing and how to do it right. You can use a figure in your essay, research paper, report, or dissertation as long as you cite it correctly to avoid plagiarism. A figure may include a chart, photograph, image,…

Good Excuses for Late Assignment Submission and Deadline Extension Requests

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Two things that students dread the most and they are poor grades and handing in assignments late. The consequences of failing to submit work within the specified deadline or turning it in later than the allotted time is a common cause of worry and stress among students.Even though you might try hard…

Quick and In-depth Term Paper Writing Guide for Students

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
You will never run away from the fact that you will write many assignments as you pursue your undergrad, master's, and post-graduate degree studies.

What Percentage is Acceptable in Turnitin Report?

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 11 2022
Plagiarism is one of the biggest sins in higher education. If you are caught blatantly plagiarizing the works of others, you could be suspended or expelled from your university.Plagiarism is a big deal in higher education because it is regarded as laziness and academic dishonesty. To prevent it,…

Formal Analysis Paper Writing Guide

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
A formal analysis essay, aka a visual analysis essay, is an essay that is written to analyze a painting or a work of art. A properly written formal analysis paper will give the reader both objective and subjective information about an art piece.

Good Places to Study and Do Homework and Assignments

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
In high school, college, and university, students must do two key things to graduate: attend class and do their assignments and homework. Most students find it easy to attend class. After all, they just need to get to the venue of their classes, sit, and listen. In contrast, most students have a…

How to Write an Article Review or Critique Paper

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Often students get assigned to write article reviews to fulfilling course requirements in various subjects and fields of study. For instance, nursing students might be asked to review scientific nursing journals, either qualitative or quantitative. At the same time, a student taking an English…

How to Write a Research Paper (Writing Guide)

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 12 2023
In most universities and colleges, students get only 50 percent of their education in class. They get the other 50 percent from researching and finding out things independently. This is the reason why college professors give assignments all the time. They want students to research and write on…

What is dissertation defense or Viva voce? How to Succeed

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 23 2023
A dissertation defense is the oral examination of a dissertation in which the doctoral candidate discusses and defends their thesis before a committee of scholars. When you write a dissertation, you must develop a new theory or hypothesis; dissertation defense is the presentation and discussion of…

How to write a Definition Essay that Stands Out

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 22 2022
Writing essays is an integral part of college life. By the time you graduate, you will have written many essays. Therefore, it is important to master how to write essays to have an easy time in college. Of course, we are talking about getting good grades, maintaining a good GPA, and honing your…

Dissertation vs. Thesis - Get the Facts Right

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 22 2022
Most master's degree programs require you to successfully complete a thesis to graduate, while most doctoral degree programs require you to complete a dissertation to graduate successfully. This statement shows the main difference between a thesis and a dissertation.

Elements of a Story to Incorporate into Creative Writing Tasks

author By Mary Boies Updated Mar 15 2023
A complete story has the seven essential elements of a story: theme, conflict, plot, setting, characters, point-of-view, and tone. A story without any of these elements is not a complete story. All types of narratives, including plays, short stories, and novels, have these basic elements. Therefore,…

Types of Stereotypes to Consider for Academic Papers- Student Guide

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2022
A stereotype is a generalized perception or belief about a group of people. It can be positive or negative but is most often negative and usually leads to bias and discrimination. For example, the gender stereotype that men are better than women has led to women being paid less than men in many…

Success Steps and Tips for Writing a 10-page Research Paper Fast

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 12 2022
Writing a 10-page paper on a given topic is a common assignment in college and students dread it so much, especially if it has a last-minute deadline. A reason for this is the intensive research, planning, and writing process it takes. However, the moment you can ace a 10-page plus paper in a day,…

Types of Degrees at the University (from Associate to Professional)

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 07 2022
When one talks about getting a university degree, many people will think they mean a bachelor’s degree. This could be the case but not necessarily so.

How to Skillfully and Successfully Ask for Deadline Extensions

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Most professors set a strict immovable deadline when they give an assignment. The purpose of doing this is to ensure students know that they have to deliver the assignment by a specific date and that under no circumstances will the deadline be changed.So when you get an assignment and for some…

Integrating Quotes in an Essay or Academic Paper

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 07 2022
Quoting is one of the ways to introduce evidence from scholarly sources and other sources in your essays. When you quote something in your essay, you tell the reader what the evidence is saying to help them understand it better.

Is Writing an Undergraduate thesis a must?

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
While thesis and dissertations are mostly a preserve for graduate and post-graduate studies, undergraduate students pursuing some programs might be required to complete an undergraduate thesis or dissertation to graduate.An undergraduate thesis, senior thesis, or bachelor's dissertation is an…

Can you use Encyclopedia Britannica in your Essay or Research Papers?

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 27 2022
When writing an essay or research paper, it is essential to reference and cite the facts you borrow from other sources. Students often wonder whether Encyclopedia Britannica is a credible or scholarly source. Unfortunately, students get confused because sometimes it has information that can be used…

How often do you reference and Cite sources in Essays and Papers?

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 03 2022
Do you find citing and referencing scholarly works in your essays difficult? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. Many students usually feel like this, especially the first time they are asked to reference their essays properly.While referencing for the first time can feel intimidating, it…

Writing Counterarguments (Counterclaims) in an Argumentative Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Feb 03 2023
Unless you are an experienced essay writer, writing a solid counterargument in an essay you are writing can be a challenge.Counterarguments acknowledge the standpoints against your argument and reaffirm your argument. To write a better argumentative essay, you have to state the arguments by the…

Signs that you are studying too much at the expense of other stuff

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Studying is important in college because it is through it that you understand concepts better and pass your exams. While studying is important, it should not be overdone. In other words, you should never study too much. This is because studying too much often results in negative effects such as…

Various types of Bachelor’s Degrees and Programs to Consider

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 02 2022
There are hundreds if not thousands of different types of Bachelor's degree programs offered by colleges and universities across the world. This makes it difficult for most young people to select one to pursue after high school. Every year, an estimated 2 million plus most sought-after bachelor’s…

Incorporating Headings in Academic Essays and Papers

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
A consistent structure is a big thing when writing an academic essay or paper. The framework for writing an academic paper encompasses using headings and subheadings to divide the content into manageable chunks or sections.When writing longer essays and research papers (10 pages and above), breaking…

Useful Tips, Insights, and Steps to Write an Evaluation Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 31 2022
The evaluation essay is one of the most common types of essays in college. Therefore, knowing how to write it is an asset that will make your college life easier.

How to Write an Informal Essay: A Beginners' Guide

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
A typical academic essay is serious writing. It is serious because it is often well-researched and written formally. The typical informal essay is the exact opposite of this.It is often not researched at all and is written in a casual tone. Furthermore, it is commonly written for enjoyment rather…

Best Topics, Titles, and Ideas for Homelessness Papers

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 27 2022
When tasked with writing a homelessness essay, research paper, term paper, or dissertation, students are mostly left at liberty to select a topic of their own. And while writing a paper on homelessness can be interesting, choosing an excellent homelessness topic for an essay or paper can be a…

Classification Essay Writing Guide with Tips, Steps, and Topics

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Classification or division essays are common in both high school and college. They are essays that require you to group things and give examples.Teachers and professors like them because they know the essays force students to actually read widely to be able to group or categorize things and give…

How to Write a Profile Essay from start to end like a pro

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
Many people do not realize that a biography is a profile essay, but it is. It is a profile essay because it is essentially the profile or the detailed description of a person.

How to create a powerful Process Essay like a Pro

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 25 2022
In this blog post, our expert process essay writers share their knowledge, insights, tricks, and tips for writing a brilliant process essay.If you are assigned to write a HOW-TO essay, do not worry about the steps because you will become a pro at it in just about 20 minutes of reading this…

How to write a Perfect Descriptive Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 25 2022
Often, students get assigned to write a descriptive essay where they are expected to vividly describe something, e.g., a personal experience, a location, a person, experience, situation, phenomenon, or an event.

Places to Find Scholarly Sources for Essays and Papers

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 04 2023
Since we only need to use scholarly sources in academic writing, the next question becomes, where can you find the scholarly sources online? You are reading a post titled How to find scholarly sources online, which means you already know that you should only use scholarly sources.If this is the…

Sources to use and those not to reference in Academic Writing

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 04 2023
Professors and instructors usually insist that students only utilize “scholarly sources” in their assignments. Yes, there are good and bad sources for essays and other academic papers.Referencing often overwhelms students and even professionals. The process is tedious, requires keenness, and if…

How to write a Literature review (for thesis and Dissertations)

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 12 2022
When examining your dissertation or thesis, most examiners, dissertation committees, and supervisors will focus on your literature review.

Reverse Outlining: What it is and how and when to do it

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
A reverse outline is the ultimate user-friendly revision and structuring tool that can be used for essays, research papers, and other forms of writing.The process of reverse outlining entails creating an outline based on an already-written draft to assess if there are mistakes and whether the…

13 Tips to Lengthen an Essay when stuck with a low word count

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 12 2023
Whether you are writing a short or long essay, sometimes you just hit a snag. Unfortunately, going blank when writing an essay is common among students and professionals alike, especially if it is a last-minute essay, an essay on a complex topic, or one written when one is tired.It becomes a…

How to write a First Person Essay and Get a Good Grade

author By Mary Boies Updated Oct 26 2022
First-person essays are fun essays to write. The reason is that they are usually written in the first-person perspective. In this article, you will discover everything crucial you need to know about first-person essay writing.

A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing a Sound Dissertation Topic

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 04 2023
A career in a graduate's academic life begins with the consumption of knowledge and ends by producing and disseminating it. Choosing a dissertation topic announces your contribution to the scholarly world and should be guided by your personal and intellectual interests. In most cases, choosing a…

How to Start, Develop, and End a Narrative Essay and get an A

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 07 2022
Narrative essay assignments are widespread at the college level. If you have written compositions, chances are that you have encountered narrative writing, otherwise known as story writing.Therefore, it is vital for every college and university student to familiarize themselves with narrative essays…

How to write a Dissertation or Thesis Quickly and Efficiently

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
Thesis papers and dissertations are often longer than 20 pages. A lingering question that undergraduates and graduate students ask is whether they can complete their dissertations faster and simpler.Whether you are writing an undergrad, master's, or doctorate-level thesis or dissertation, these tips…

How to write a First-Class Essay that Scores an A

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
A first-class essay has an 80 percent or higher score, although some institutions categorize papers graded at 70-75% as first-class. In most cases, not so many students attain the benchmark. Nevertheless, writing high-grade essays in all your classes guaranteed you a first-class degree in your final…

Sentence Starters for Final/Conclusion Paragraphs

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
A stronger final paragraph can determine and seal the fate of your essay, research paper, thesis, or any paper, for that matter. Therefore, knowing the best conclusion sentence starters in your final paragraph can distinguish whether you pass or fail your essay.A good conclusion paragraph should…

Can an Essay be 2-Paragraphs? And how to write it

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
Even though writing essays can be challenging, writing a two-paragraph essay becomes even more complicated. It is always a challenging form of academic writing assessment that gives students stress.Many wonder how do they do it? Does it even count as an essay? And what if you have too many points to…

How to write three-page essays Quickly (Plus titles/topics and tips)

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
There are many ways to kill a rat (as an adage goes), and so are many ways to write an essay fast. There is no single bullet when it comes to writing essays with different paragraphs and pages. It is not every time that we write essays without a challenge. Instead, we can overcome these challenges…

How to Incorporate Evidence to Support Claims in an Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Writing an essay is an academic task dreaded mainly by students for the uncertainty of what the instructor or professor is testing. The essay writing process entails developing a thesis-driven paper that engages the use and analysis of evidence.Since you are likely to write many types of essays…

Can a single Paragraph Constitute an Essay? – Tips for One-Paragraph Essays

author By Mary Boies Updated Jun 20 2022
An essay can be one paragraph if you are asked to write a concise essay with one main idea, which is between 100 to 200 words or 10 to 14 sentences. In most cases, this is categorized as a short essay. It is an essay that bears a single argument and respective supporting ideas or pieces of evidence.…

How to write a Character Analysis Essay in Simple Steps

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 09 2023
At first glance, developing a character analysis essay seems like a walk in the park. However, most students usually feel overwhelmed after learning about the structure that must be followed and the time and effort required.The most important task in every character analysis essay assignment is to…

How to Write an Informative Speech (Tips, Format, and Types)

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
If you have attended seminars, demonstrations, lectures, and sermons, you have already encountered informative speech in action. In this sense, you can give an informative speech depending on the context, which is an important aspect of public speaking.Out of the many speech skills you can have,…

How long? How many paragraphs? And how long to write a 3/4 pages Paper

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
It is common to be assigned to write short research papers and essays in high school, college, or university. Such papers are limited to a few pages slightly below 5 pages, mostly three to four pages long. It is the most challenging assignment and an easy one if you understand its bells and…

Useful and Fun Websites and Apps for College Students

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 07 2022
The age of computing, mobile, and the internet has made life easier for students. Today, you have all the information you need at your fingertips. So, if you are a student, take advantage of websites and apps to boost your performance and productivity, and stay bright.In this blog post, we share…

Writing and Formatting your Annotated Bibliography

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
An annotated bibliography assignment tests various intellectual skills, including critical analysis, informed library search, organization, and concise exposition. You are assigned to write an annotated bib assignment either as a standalone assignment or part of a research writing series.When…

How to Write Topic Sentences (Tips, Examples, Steps, and Starters)

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
You are probably wondering what goes into a topic sentence, why you must write a good topic sentence, and how topic sentences could transform your entire essay.The truth is that students who have perfected the art of writing great topic sentences have always been successful in every piece of…

Parts of a Body Paragraph in an Essay, Assignment, or any Paper

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 23 2023
Whether you are writing an essay, thesis, research dissertation, report, proposal, college essay, or personal statement, you must write the body paragraphs at some point. The body paragraphs come immediately after the introduction paragraph.Majorly, professors, markers, and instructors can tell good…

How long and what does 1000 word-essay look like?

author By Mary Boies Updated Jun 15 2022
If you are wondering how many pages you will cover with 1000 words, then you are at the right place. Unfortunately, sometimes due to the lack of knowledge about the approximate word count, people presume a 1000-word essay to be a lot, especially when the word count is not capped.

How to write a Literary Analysis Essay like a Pro

author By Mary Boies Updated Mar 15 2023
A literary analysis essay assignment is simply an essay assignment that requires you to analyze a piece of text in literature. You can be given a literary analysis assignment at the high school, college, or university level. Reading, internalizing, and analyzing texts is an absolute aspect of the…

Can you get caught using EssayTyper, EssayBot, or AI-Based Essay Generators

author By Mary Boies Updated Jun 14 2022
Artificial intelligence is undoubtedly a new frontier of technology, touching every industry. With many breakthroughs in AI, writing essays and online content through AI is now possible thanks to research and advanced developments in AI-generated content.AI essay writers are online websites or apps…

What is Spatial Order Organization, and How is it used in essay writing?

author By Mary Boies Updated Jun 14 2022
Although spatial order organization sounds like rocket science, it is almost similar to the chronological order that has been applied in all spheres of writing, including essay writing, for ages.Although both are logical organization patterns, the spatial organization does not consider time.…

How to Write a History Essay and Score the best Grades

author By Mary Boies Updated Jun 13 2022
Students usually find it difficult to write an excellent essay. This is because most of them do not have the skills to do excellent research and to articulate their views properly. Nevertheless, writing a brilliant essay is something that can be done, especially if a student gets the right info and…

How to write a Case Brief – A Law Student’s Guide

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
You are certainly here because you need to hone your case brief writing skills, and we got you.Case briefing is an important skill to learn. It will help you in college and later in your law career. The best thing about learning about case briefing is that it teaches you how courts apply various…

How to write a Good Synthesis Essay and Score the best Grade

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
Writing a synthesis essay always looks like a massive mountain to climb, especially for those who have never written one. We want to say it is not, but for some students, it actually is. Nevertheless, with the help of this guide, any competent college student should be able to develop a quality…

How to write a Winning Scholarship Essay for any School

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 27 2022
You recently saw a scholarship opportunity that could change your life. You confirmed that you met all the requirements and even started your application. You have already entered all the crucial details and uploaded all the essential documents. The only thing remaining is for you to write and…

How to write a causal Analysis Essay that scores an A

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 04 2023
It is human nature to want to understand things and what causes them. When we see, hear, or experience something we do not understand, we often try to find out the cause or the explanation either from family and friends or from the internet.In college, you will be required occasionally to find out…

How to write an Ethics Essay and Win the best Grades

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 26 2022
As a student, when you get an ethics essay assignment, you will always feel like it is a bit too much work. This is because such assignments are never easy, we don’t recall one that is either.If you’ve just gotten such an assignment and you don’t have the time to do it, let us help you. Order…

How To Edit Your Essays and Papers and Get Higher Grades

author By Mary Boies Updated May 19 2022
All students who consistently get good grades in their essays do one thing – they thoroughly self-edit their essays before submitting them. Self-editing is an art. It is basically carefully going through your essay to ensure it is logical, flawless, and easy to understand.

How to write a Book Review from Scratch and Score an A

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 27 2022
If you have been tasked with writing a book review and you do not know what to do, you are in the right place.This comprehensive guide covers everything important there is to know about writing book reviews. By the time you are done reading it, you should be able to write a complete and amazing book…

How to Write an Essay about Video Games

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Many students, even those who like video games, do not like writing essays on video games. Yet video games are a fertile topic area preferred by most instructors.Students hate writing these essays because writing them on video games is hard work; it is not like playing one. It is hard work involving…

How to Write Legalization of Marijuana/Cannabis Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
Although often seen as easy homework, assignment, or paper, writing an essay on the legalization of marijuana can sometimes be a confusing task.

How to complete a Poetry Analysis Essay like a Maven

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 23 2023
Writing an excellent poem analysis or poetry review essay is not the easiest thing to do. It is a skill that requires hard work to learn and perfect. You cannot just read about how to write a poetry analysis essay and become a pro overnight. It takes practice, exercise, and perfection to achieve the…

How to write a Perfect Biography Essay about Anyone

author By Mary Boies Updated Apr 27 2022
A biography essay is an essay that focuses on the life of a person. The person is usually famous – a politician, an entrepreneur, an inventor, an author, an artist, or a historical figure.When you are asked to write a biography essay on a person, your work is to research and detail the key facts…

How to Create an Essay Title that Impresses your Readers

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
An essay title will either drive away or draw in your readers. It is the first thing your professors and markers read, and it has to be perfect.

How to write a Case Study Analysis Paper from Scratch

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 12 2023
A case study analysis assignment is a common written assessment task that you will encounter as you study. Many disciplines use case studies to assess your creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, analytical, and writing skills. Therefore, it is important to know how to write a case study…

How to Write an Argumentative Essay from Scratch

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 23 2023
Most students dread argumentative writing, yet it is a common academic writing task in many courses. Moreover, we have established that most parents find it even more confusing to guide their children on how to write argumentative essays.Honestly, writing argumentative essay assignments is tasking…

The ultimate 1,000-word essay writing guide

author By Mary Boies Updated Apr 12 2022
A 1000-word essay assignment is an essay assignment that requires you to write approximately 1,000 words.When you get such an assignment, you should know your instructor expects you to write close to but not to exceed 1,000 words on the given topic. And that while the word count is important, you…

How to write a 500-word Essay in Seven steps

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
Our essay nerds know better when it comes to writing essays in 500 words because they have completed thousands of 500-word essays to date.Writing an essay can be traumatizing, stressful, and challenging, especially if it is your first. However, we have good news for you: you can transform that fear,…

How To Write a Compare and Contrast Essay from Start to End

author By Mary Boies Updated Apr 15 2022
As a student, you are going to write many assignments, each with unique requirements. Essays form most of the assignments written in college. One of the most common essays that you probably will write is the comparison and contrast essay.When asked to write an essay based on comparing and…

How to write a 5-Paragraph Essay (Plus Outline and Example)

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 04 2023
Most people like reading a well-structured, organized, and formatted essay. At least, this earns you a great grade in the eyes of the professor, teacher, or instructor. One way to achieve better grades is to organize your essay into five paragraphs. If you are assigned to write an essay about…

Steps to writing an Excellent Concert Report/Review

author By Mary Boies Updated Apr 06 2022
A concert report or review paper is a common college assignment. However, many students find it complex a task to accomplish. It entails giving your personal opinion on a performance.It could be a theater performance, music concert, or any concert. You are required to state what you feel, hear, or…

How to write a thematic statement Step-by-Step

author By Mary Boies Updated Apr 06 2022
Your instructor has assigned you to write a thematic statement, and you probably do not know how to begin or what steps to take. Now, you are lucky because that's what this guide is all about.Our team of expert literature writers came up with examples that we have included in this guide. Then, our…

How to write a strong thesis statement step-by-step

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
You are reading this article because you want to write a good thesis statement for your essay or research paper. Maybe you have been writing weak thesis statements and want to write strong ones henceforth.Congratulations because you came to the right place and space.Writing a strong thesis statement…

Rules for Good Paragraph Writing in Essays

author By Mary Boies Updated Mar 29 2022
Getting essay and research paper paragraph structure wrong could be a reason you are swimming in a sea of poor grades. Knowing the basics of good paragraph writing can solve your issue. You will learn how to write great paragraphs in a short while, even if you are a beginner.This beginner and…

Step-by-Step Guide to Write a Perfect Persuasive Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 02 2023
Yes, it is still an essay! We know how writing a perfect essay is challenging to most students. The mention of persuasive essays sometimes sends chills down the spines of many students. However, the process is not as complicated as proclaimed. Let's get to the details.When assigned to write a…

How to write a Critical Analysis Essay that Scores an A

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
A critical analysis essay is a common assignment that comes in the forms of article analysis, rhetorical analysis, movie/film analysis, literary analysis, process analysis, or causal analysis.As a student, you agree that writing critical analysis essays is arduous, time-consuming, and requires the…

How to Write a Persuasive Speech In 7 Steps

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
When in high school, college, or university, you can be assigned to write a persuasive speech. However, writing a persuasive speech can sound challenging and challenging without knowledge of what it entails or without prior knowledge and experience.When writing a persuasive speech, just like a…

How to write a High-Quality and Powerful leadership Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 01 2023
We consider creating an essay on leadership a noble task, yet that’s not the same for everyone. Some find it complicated, while others find it enjoyable. The secret lies in the mastery of leadership essay writing dos and don’ts, which we share in this article.One of the common requirements for…

How to write an Excellent Business Essay from Start to Finish

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 29 2023
You’ve probably searched the internet seeking knowledge on “how to write a business essay and score an A.” That could be a good reason why you are reading this article. Not just an article but a comprehensive guide covering all aspects of business essay writing. Look, our expert business…

How to create a Flawless Essay Outline

author By Mary Boies Updated Mar 18 2022
Let’s face it, you cannot write a perfect essay without an outline. Now, it is common for students to stare at white pages for long without writing anything. It is also common for them start writing an essay only to realize that they have either run out of ideas or taken the wrong approach. Often,…

How to Outline a Literature Review Step-by-Step

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
A literature review is an academic writing task that contains reviews of credible or trusted sources for relevant information on a topic. Writing a literature review aims to summarize, synthesize, and critically analyze the concepts, thoughts, findings, and ideas of different authors without roping…

How to write a Rhetorical Essay in Simple Steps

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Writing a rhetorical essay can be frustrating, challenging, and arduous, especially if it is your first time. Moreover, it gets complicated if you do not follow the proper steps or skip a step. However, you are good to go once you understand what a rhetorical essay is, the steps to write it, and how…

How to write a research paper introduction in simple steps

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 05 2023
When writing an essay, the introduction is usually only a paragraph long. It is also often relatively straightforward. The key component is, of course, the thesis statement. However, things are not this simple when writing a research paper introduction. This is because a research paper's…

Steps to writing an Excellent Opinion Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
There are several types of essays that students regularly encounter in college. You probably know about argumentative essays, descriptive essays, and expository essays. This is because these are the most common types of essays.While opinion essays are not very common, they are also not very rare.…

Explanatory Essay Writing Guide for Novice and Established Writers

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 04 2023
An explanatory or expository essay is a typical assignment given to students pursuing different courses. When assigned one, you are expected to describe your opinion or point of view on something, a process to follow, an event that has occurred, or the ideas of another person without persuading your…

How to Write an Effective Claim for an Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Often, people use claim statements and thesis statements interchangeably. And they are not wrong because a thesis statement is a type of a claim. In most cases, essays contain further claims other than the thesis statement, depending on the topic in question. Nevertheless, claims overlap the line…

Signposting words and Phrases to use in Essays

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
Every professor or instructor will tell you that they undoubtedly enjoy reading and grading an essay or academic task where signposting words and phrases have been used. This is a secret that only the top grade and talented students have discovered. It is the reason they score As.Essays that have a…

How to write an appealing conclusion for an essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Mar 02 2022
You’ve written your essay from the introduction to the body paragraphs, and now it is the turn for you to conclude the essay. So often, although many students think of writing a conclusion as a walk in the park, it isn’t.A good conclusion sums up the topic by illustrating/elaborating how you…

Facts about Who invented homework and Why

author By Mary Boies Updated Mar 02 2022
Students, educators, parents, and other stakeholders in education consider homework a norm. But do they know the person who invented homework? How did it even advance to become a preferred assessment strategy across all academic levels? Many questions around homework if you think critically around…

Good Transition Words for Essays

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
Think of transition words and phrases as the glue ideas and essays together. In academic essay writing and professional writing, conveying information concisely, coherently, clearly, and consistently to the reader matters more. Transition words help create logical connections between sentences,…

Interesting Nursing Research Topics to Consider

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
We cannot insist on how much value nursing research has in providing knowledge, addressing healthcare challenges, and improving patient care, safety, and outcome. Evidence-based nursing research depends on peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles, nursing theories, and nursing concepts.If you are a…

Essay Hooks that Grab the Attention of any Reader

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 29 2023
By reading the first sentence of your essay or paper, the instructor or professor can already tell how engaging or boring it will turn out. There are some words to start an essay introduction and get the reader's attention and others that make you sound like a clown.Not knowing how to begin an essay…

How to write an Exemplification Essay from start to finish

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 21 2023
While an exemplification essay is an argumentative essay where you use examples to prove your chosen thesis, it is one type of essay that students mostly confuse. The thought of writing it alone, makes most students shiver. It is a justified fear that occurs especially if we are not privy to…

Best Ways to Study as a Kinesthetic Learner and Pass Exams

author By Mary Boies Updated Jul 23 2023
Nothing frustrates anyone like failing to remember facts, topics, or answers during an exam. Even worse is when you read the first question and the next one, your mind becomes completely blank. It comes with a feeling of defeat, desperation, and sometimes regret, especially when those who missed…

Can Blackboard detect cheating in assignments and Exams?

author By Mary Boies Updated Mar 10 2022
As we offer legal assignment help to students, one of the most common questions we encounter is whether their teachers, instructors, or professors can use Blackboard to detect cheating. This is a common concern for students taking tests, assignments, and exams through the university’s…

Simple Tips and tricks to help you write essays when Stuck

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 10 2022
There are many good things about writing an essay. Staring at a blank page with nothing to write for a while isn't one of them. You are not alone.Getting started with an essay is the hardest thing in the essay writing process. It is a phase marred with procrastination and endless brain torture,…

How to Write an Introduction Paragraph for an Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 08 2022
The moment your instructor, professor, or teacher spends their first 2 minutes on your paper, they would have known the grade your essay will fetch.For this reason, your introduction becomes the most critical paragraph in your entire paper.And since it comes first, the introduction orients your…

IB Extended Essay Writing Guide

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
At EssayManiacs, we believe that a warrior cannot conquer the battlefield with a deranged mind. We have had experience with IB students in recent years, and we know what it entails to write an Extended Essay. Students face both big and small challenges, and we are well-equipped to discern which ones…

Tips for Writing a Strong Research Paper Abstract

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 18 2022
Abstracts are crucial components in research since they describe the research study to the relevant bodies such as journal editors and researchers alike. It is improbable to find a quality research paper without an abstract. It mainly gives the reader a snippet of what they should expect when they…

Can buying essays land you into trouble?

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 08 2022
The online writing industry has grown in leaps and bounds. Today, a lot of students struggle to balance life, studies, and work. And while they do so, getting assignments done online becomes among the many options other than doing the essays by themselves. As we explore shortly, there are concerns…

How to Write an Excellent Movie Review Assignment

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 26 2022
You enjoy watching movies. Now, you've been tasked with writing a review about one.It should be simple, right?Sit down, watch the movie and tell a stranger about it. Let them get lost in the movie even though you are just giving a summarized version of it. Next, state your highlights, mention your…

What to include in a dissertation proposal to make it pass

author By Mary Boies Updated Feb 06 2023
In this guide, you will learn how to write a dissertation proposal step by step, including tips and some insights on the chapters you should include.As a paper describing the type of research you intend to do, you must convince the dissertations committee that your research will be within the norms…

How to Write an Essay and Impress your Readers

author By Mary Boies Updated Mar 03 2023
Writing academic essays is a mainstay in high school, college, and university. Essays contribute significantly to students' grades, even at the graduate and postgraduate levels. Constructing a good essay is the foundation of academic writing.It is an art and skill that students need to develop as…

Tips and Tricks to help you Write better Reflection Papers

author By Mary Boies Updated Jan 24 2023
Whether you are in high school, college, or pursuing professional or graduate studies, you will encounter a reflection paper. It is a common type of paper written by college students. Being a dynamic paper, almost every subject or course that you choose will, at some point, require that you give…

How to Write a Perfect College Admission Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Feb 06 2023
Most colleges will require you to submit an essay as part of the admission process. It comes in handy when the grades and other qualifications do not offer means to sieve the best candidates.A college essay, also popular as an admission essay, is critical to seal or break your academic aspirations.…

Social Work Research Topics for School

author By Mary Boies Updated Aug 09 2022
As an academic discipline, social work focuses on helping people cope and overcome challenges associated with life. To develop into a great social worker, mastery of various principles and social work aspects is mandatory. Understanding the concepts equally builds resilience and makes one abide by…

The Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 27 2022
Writing essays is a norm in college, university, high school, and even middle school. Even though students hate writing essays, most of the students we interviewed like writing compare and contrast essays. We wanted to know if the love could all be about good compare and contrast essay topics and…

Everything you need to master to write your Gun Control Essay

author By Mary Boies Updated Dec 27 2022
You are reading this fantastic gun essay writing guide because you probably want to ace your essay on a gun control topic. Note that writing for or against gun control follows the typical basic steps of an argumentative or persuasive essay. In this piece, we highlight some critical aspects, like how…
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