Risks of Using AI for Essay/Assignment Writing

author By Mary Boies

Artificial Intelligence, commonly called AI, has greatly transformed several aspects of our lives today, education being one of those areas. Numerous essay-writing programs available today promise to save students energy and time while guaranteeing top grades. EssayManiacs has real human writers who read your prompts, research, and write unique content with human touch and point of view.

This is without a colossal temptation; let the online software write your academic essay or paper and carry on with your hobbies and errands. AI can now write assignments, essays, and other academic papers and even do quizzes. Even though this sounds like a great alternative to writing your assignment by yourself, you need to be aware of the challenges and risks you might face if you choose to go down that path. There is always a catch. Let us explore the common pitfalls of using AI for essays and academic assignments, and some mean to save your hard-earned years.

AI for Essay Writing and Assignments

AI bots and websites encourage students to seek their services by describing their abilities and demonstrating them with various examples. The users get the impression that they are conversing with an actual writer since the bot recalls what was said in the previous conversation. In addition, the user can give any follow-up corrections if they have any.

The websites are also open regarding AI's various restrictions and limitations for essay writing. These services might, for instance, generate wrong instructions or biased content. One of the probable reasons for this is limited information and knowledge of world events after 2021. With that in mind, you certainly do not want inaccurate information or biased content in your academic paper, do you?

The above are just a few common mistakes that may occur when using AI for your essay writing. The developers of some of the popular AI software even admit to them! Moreover, other than these, students face numerous other challenges when generating essays using AI. Let us now look at the risks of using AI for essay and assignment writing.

Related Reading: How to write a synthesis essay.

One: Plagiarism

All AI writing software generates content based on the available online materials. This significantly increases the risk of plagiarism, a serious academic transgression. Before submitting your essay or assignment, you must ensure that it is a hundred percent original to avoid facing any disciplinary action from your university or college.

With plagiarism-checking software becoming increasingly high-tech, they now can detect whether AI or humans have written an essay. Some learning institutions consider AI-written papers as plagiarized, which might result in academic penalties like low grades or expulsion. Therefore, even though AI essay writing software may seem like a great option to explore, it is not worth putting your grades and academics at risk.

Two: Low-Quality Content

Have you ever watched a bot producing an essay? If yes, then you certainly know how fast that happens. This may, unfortunately, impact the quality of the paper. It happens very fast since the software depends on algorithms to generate content. This could result in a lack of relevance or coherence in your paper, which may lead to low grades or rejection.

In addition, AI writing software often expresses one idea using different words and grammar formations. Simply put, the generated essay will contain a lot of repetition; the same idea is expressed repeatedly. When reading such text, your lecturer might get quickly bored. Unlike a human-written essay that contains unique real-life experiences and the author's point of view on different matters, AI-written essays tend to be plain.

Three: Lack of Creativity and Originality

This is the thing: artificial intelligence software regurgitates already existing ideas; they do not create any new ideas.

AI writing software is specially designed to produce new text for users by studying structures and patterns from massive datasets of existing materials. We are eventually left with the same old ideas, only packaged differently, lacking creativity and originality.

It is, therefore, essential to note that anytime you submit an AI-generated essay, you are simply handing over recycled and probably plagiarized content that lacks creativity and originality.

Four: Reduced Critical Thinking Ability

Besides the risks of academic plagiarism and low-quality essays, using AI software for essay and assignment writing may also result in serious learning crises since students will not develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

From high school to university, most learning curriculums mainly focus on developing the learners' critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities through academic essays and assignments. However, AI bots and essay writers cannot critically analyze research, form judgments, or make decisions.

The knowledge and skills you acquire from writing your own essays and assignments determine your academic capability and the knowledge and practice you will carry into the employment world. It is easy to read a paper written and edited by a human writer than one done by an AI or bot.

Five: Errors and Inaccuracies

Given that AI essay writers depend on existing online data, the chances of getting inaccurate content together with biased and discriminatory responses are high. This is risky for submission since an essay containing outdated information portrays a lack of awareness.

AI will produce the same content repeatedly. Notably, if you put ten people to research and write a paper, they will produce papers with different perspectives. Woe unto you if you use AI in your essays because professors and instructors are learning how to identify AI writing styles, and soon as they catch you, you might lose your hard-earned years. Our friends in the faculty keep telling us that they can quickly tell an AI-generated essay by reading the first few lines. The inconsistencies, errors, and repetition make it easy to determine. Besides, they also state that the papers are relatively superficial, lacking proper analysis, synthesis, and engagement. While you can undoubtedly use AI to draft your outline, you must spend more hours researching and trying the paper to make it acceptable.

How is AI-Generated Text Spotted?

Even though AI writing software is helpful in specific contexts, it is essential to use them carefully and consider the potential risks involved. Some dangers associated with using AI writing software include plagiarism and misinformation.

There are a few ways of spotting AI-generated text. Below are a few things that professors or lecturers look out for in your essays or assignments to establish whether or not it is AI-generated.

1. Repetition of phrases

Even though a few AI essay writing software attempt to produce coherent sentences, artificial intelligence writing tools often seem to experience great difficulty in producing high-quality, long-form content.

Several users confirm that after producing one or two high-quality paragraphs on a particular subject, some AI essay writers will either start producing irrelevant sentences or repeat themselves. This occurs because the artificial intelligence tool adds a series of what it perceives are relevant sentences to meet the set word count for the paper.

Therefore, if your professor is reading through your essay and notices that certain words are being repeatedly used, they might conclude that the essay is probably AI-generated. A lot of AI essay generators tend to repeat phrases like "is," "it," and "the" quite often.

In addition, if an essay appears to follow a particular formula or pattern, it is most likely AI-generated. This type of writing makes the content of the essay uninteresting and predictable.

2. Unnatural Errors and Transitions

Artificial intelligence tools are sometimes incapable of accurately interpreting the context of a particular writing. This, in turn, results in the generation of writing that lacks the logical flow and coherence of a human-written paper.

Numerous punctuation mistakes, grammatical errors, and disorganized paragraphs often characterize AI-produced essays and assignments. On the other hand, perfect grammar is surprisingly also another sign of AI-produced content. This is because grammar is based on rules, a forte for AI, given that AI essay-writing tools follow algorithmic logic.

3. Fact-Heavy and Dry Texts

Artificial intelligence programs can hastily produce facts and short, simple sentences but not comprehensive remarks. Therefore, if your professor reads through your essay or assignment and notices that it is light on sentiments but heavy on facts, you are in trouble. A robot most likely writes that paper.

4. Absence of Personal Encounters and Emotions

One apparent issue with AI essay writers is their incapacity to exhibit human emotions and subjective encounters. These two things are difficult to teach as no reasonable steps describe how to perceive or feel the world. Therefore, if an essay has emotions that appear to be forced or a flat tone, it was probably written by a bot.

5. Using an Artificial Intelligence Detector Tool

Professors commonly establish whether they are reading an AI-generated essay or assignment by using software that asses text components such as word repetition, length of sentences, and readability.

Another way is through the use of free or paid plagiarism checkers to check whether or not the paper is original. When the plagiarism test is run, and the outcome states that the paper is duplicate content, this implies that the essay was probably AI-generated.

The AI companies are contemplating adding watermarks to AI-generated content, which would only mean that you use them selectively. Why go through all this when you can pay a human writer to write your essay as you would? Turnitin already has an incorporated AI detection tool that tells if an essay was generated via AI. Other checkers commonly used by the universities, such as LopesWrite, Unicheck, and SafeAssign, might follow suit.

Is Submitting an AI-Written Essay Cheating?

An AI-written essay can be considered cheating if you submit it directly without polishing or putting your thoughts into it. AI-essay writing tools only paraphrase website content without considering scholarly and non-scholarly sources. (This is our stance and millions of other faculty members).

Equally, they do not cite the sources. They are better used for generating ideas than writing an essay. Writing an essay takes time, a process that even most students dread. However, there is another way to look at it.

We can also argue that there is no absolute answer to this question, given that it greatly depends on an individual's definition of cheating. Some lecturers and professors view an AI-written essay as cheating since the student did not do the actual writing. On the other hand, other lecturers do not consider this cheating since the students still come up with the thoughts (prompts) and ideas expressed in the final essay. It is ultimately up to an individual to take their stance.

Others argue that using an artificial intelligence tool to write an essay is not cheating if the AI software is only utilized as a tool and not as a substitute for human labor. Let us take; for instance, making use of a spell checker. Just as using a spell checker does not make a student a bad speller, using an AI tool to help develop an essay will not make an individual a poor writer.

Some very compelling arguments support the use of AI to assist in writing. The first argument is that AI can assist in identifying trends and patterns that humans may miss. For instance, an artificial intelligence tool may be able to assess a tremendous amount of information and spot a previously overlooked connection between different ideas.

Another argument is that AI can assist with the creative process through the generation of fresh ideas as well as perspectives. For instance, a student or writer can use an AI tool to produce a list of probable plot points for their essay.

Lastly, those who support using AI to aid writing argue that an artificial intelligence tool may spot grammatical errors and suggest corrections.

On the other hand, critics of the use of AI to aid writing, especially in learning institutions, claim that doing so takes so much away from the human element of writing. They believe that writing is a form of art that calls for great imagination and creativity, qualities that AI cannot replicate.

In addition, opponents to using AI for writing assistance state that using AI to write eliminates individuals' connection with writing. They maintain that when someone writes, they invest a part of themselves into the work, and AI tools cannot replicate this.

From the above arguments, it is clear that there are potential benefits and drawbacks to using AI in writing essays or assignments. The first potential benefit is that AI can help you enhance your writing skills by providing feedback on your spelling, style, and grammar. In addition, AI may assist you in customizing your essay to meet the assignment's specified requirements, which might ultimately result in better grades for you. You must be extremely careful with this lest you make a mistake that makes you earn a suspension rather than a good grade.

The BIG question is: Are you ready to take chances with your academic life by using an AI essay writer? Certainly not.

In addition, as stated earlier, there are certain potential drawbacks to using AI tools in essay writing. Artificial intelligence tools might not be capable of capturing the subtleties and nuances of human language. Unfortunately, this results in less persuasive essays than those written by humans. Moreover, AI-generated essays are more likely to feature errors because native speakers do not draft them. Lastly, AI-produced essays are less creative than those drafted by humans because the information and data restrict them to what they have access to.

Our Final Words on AI-Essay Tools

While AI can generate content that can be regarded as an essay, writing an effective essay is more than just words. AI essay writers quickly summarize content from websites, books, and other online materials without discerning scholarly from non-scholarly materials. Even if you give an AI a good prompt, the same essay will likely be produced for many students. It is also clear that the tools do not cite the exact sources as humans would. Human writers will adapt to writing conventions and styles such as APA, MLA, or Harvard formatting, which were invented to do writing and reading academic papers easier.

As a leading assignment help company, EssayManiacs has writers who will read the assignment prompt and generate essays and assignment answers that meet the RUBRIC requirements. ALL our papers are written from scratch and have no plagiarism. Do not hesitate to ask for help. Have you ever wondered where unemployed or rebellious professors go? Well, they work on your papers at EssayManiacs. Do not risk your academic career by submitting a paper riddled with errors, plagiarism, and a lack of personal touch generated by an AI tool. Hire a writer from our website and save yourself from embarrassment. If English is your second language, our writers can help you learn how to write an essay by using simple words to your level. Indeed, the things that AI cannot do.

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