Useful and Fun Websites and Apps for College Students

author By Mary Boies

The age of computing, mobile, and the internet has made life easier for students. Today, you have all the information you need at your fingertips. So, if you are a student, take advantage of websites and apps to boost your performance and productivity, and stay bright.

In this blog post, we share some tools you can reliably use to make your life in college and university enjoyable. You can use them to learn, make citations faster, stay focused and relaxed, access discount codes, and find help with different coursework and school work.

In the online space, there is literary everything, the good, the bad, and the evil. However, EssayManiacs expert researchers find these digital tools useful in a student’s academic journey. Then, of course, there are others, but these are guaranteed to improve your life.

Useful Websites for College Students

Here are some websites you should use as a student to make your life in college easier. College life is complicated, tedious, and sometimes stressful. However, when you use these apps, you can spice it up and become the most successful and happy student in college or university.

Course Hero: Online Notes and Essays

Course Hero is widely used and liked by students worldwide. On this website, you get to enjoy free online notes. In addition, online tutors are available 24/7 to answer your questions in less than 15 minutes.

However, it is not accessible to all. Anyone can create an account on this website but get access to premium content, and you have to either upload your notes or pay a monthly or yearly subscription.

To unlock the system, you have to pay a monthly subscription fee ranging from $9.95 to $39.95, depending on the plan of your choice.

In addition to academic aids, this website is an excellent platform for finding new vocabulary. The student is also eligible to apply for a $5,000 scholarship issued monthly.

However, use it only for revision because if you paraphrase the ideas from the documents, the chances are that you will get caught.

 If you need individualized help, get personal and customized help from Online Academic Help with Essays is a platform where students resort when seeking help in essay writing. You can also get assistance with other types of academic writing tasks such as a dissertation, thesis, proposals, reports, research papers, term papers, you name it.

It is arguably the best online platform for academic paper writing. You can pay someone to write your paper on the platform. In addition, this website offers advice if you get stuck between writing your essays and hooking you up with the best essay writers.

Other students may opt to delegate their essays to elite writers. For example, essay Maniac boasts of professional essay writers who will write your essays before the deadline you set at an affordable price.

Essaymaniacs also boasts of grammar and spelling checkers that ensure the authenticity of the essays. You also have access to editors and proofreaders you can trust to raise the grade of your papers.

Many students and scholars worldwide use due to its affordable writing services. For as low as $16 per page, our diligent writers will submit your paper before the deadline.

 Citation Machine: Online Assistance for APA and MLA

Citations are always cumbersome for many students when they are writing essays. It has so many conventions and rules that are hard to go over. In addition, the quotation makes the student nervous when their graduation or promotion depends on this particular essay. saves your time, grade, and graduation with a few clicks on your keyboard. All you have to do is click on the search bar. Type in the title of your source, and then leave the rest to Citation Machine. It will search articles, websites, journals, or any available source to find your title and align it for you. This website gives e you all the necessary information you need; the student will only cut and paste the information on the reference page.

For those users who want to use it once, you will have to watch a video ad to gain 48-hour access to this excellent website. This video, however, may last longer for a student running out of time and wants to avoid late submissions. They can remit a monthly payment of $10 to gain unlimited access without any video ad.

Bookboon Learning: The famous Books App

Bookboon is a renowned online platform that gives students access to free books, magazines, audio, online courses, articles, and many items.

Their catalog is comprehensive, from basic introductory books to complex engineering books.

Bookboon has a suitable layout that allows students to search for unit-specific documents.

New users can access lesser books. For a monthly subscription of $5.99, you will access unlimited documents on the Bookboon.

 Library Genesis: Free College Books

Library Genesis is a free website used for sharing academic novels, articles, magazines, and comics. The file storage is similar to those in our standard school libraries. You can search your favorite writings using these filters: author's names, year of publishing, International Standard Book Number (ISBN), genre, length, and so on. Library Genesis has a vast catalog; you will find all your academic writings on this website.

The website is purely for college and university scholars. Medicine, education, law, and other departments are integrated into this website. Toad on it, the search software is accurate; it filters down the catalog to your chosen category.

However, the layout tends to be odd. It strays new users to think that the information is not updated, which is not valid. The website is updated with new and up-to-date information almost instantly when further info comes up.

Docsity: Online Assignment Exchange

Docsity is a social media platform for students and tutors. Launched in 2010 for the Italian students, it had crossed boundaries and seas after two years. Currently, this giant feeds over fifteen million students across the globe with information. Its vast catalog is available in 9 languages: French, English, Spanish, German, Serbian, Russian, Italian, Portuguese, and Polish.

Docsity allows students to exchange notes, magazines, pictures, and other information for other scholars to view and download. It also allows users to exchange educational videos and videos from YouTube and upload their private videos for other students to see.

This website also allows the students to interact with other users by chatting, reading others' posts, and checking their walls. They also get to know each other by asking and answering questions on the website; this interaction improves learning, networking, and exchanging knowledge from their respective institutions.

There is also a blog column where students submit their articles and read articles and blogs from their fellow students worldwide on various topics. However, all these beautiful features come at a cost. You may create a free account, but to enjoy this website with unlimited content and downloading documents, you will have to pay $15,59 monthly or

VK.Com: Text Book Exchange for College Students is a Russian scholarly website with almost the same features as Facebook. This social media platform, however, focuses on sharing educational files and information.

Vk has so many users all over the world, mainly university and college students. While Facebook majors on socialization, posting pictures and videos, this Russian Academic giant focuses on sharing eBooks, pdfs, and magazines. In addition, students get to share books they have read themselves. On the website, there are a lot of standard book titles for you all.

All you have to do is create an account and start clicking on various book clubs to enjoy remarkably free knowledge from your fellow coursemates in other institutions across the globe. The most followed clubs are Magazine and Free Medicals Page communities. This website is slowly gaining traction worldwide, with students referring their colleagues to this platform.

You can download any of the books without creating a VK account at no charge at all. There is no localized search engine on the web. Instead, you can access them by searching the communities or catalogs and locating your book. You can also search them on the Google search bar by keying in the title of your preferred book and then adding VK at the end.

Mobilism: College Textbook Library

Mobilism is a website where only registered users can share their education with other scholars worldwide. The forum has many catalogs from novels, comics, magazines, and other academic writings. The eBook section is the busiest one and is always buzzing with daily activities. You can always search for your preferred book or academic writing. If it is unavailable, you will request it from your fellow coursemates on the platform.

Mobilism is widely used and has a vast catalog; almost all academic writings are available on the web. The download links are updated rapidly if the need arises. If the student notices a broken link, they should contact the owner of the post. All this information is available to students who have accounts.

Archive.Org: Academic Writing Exchange on The Internet

As the name infers, it is a store for all internet activities. In, you will find all deleted content from their initial websites. In it, you will find YouTube videos, articles, documents, and files deleted by their sources.

You may be wondering about the effectiveness of this website on college students. Well, students all over the globe use this space to store their gives you an array of options for the documents you wish to download, and you will not strain to convert. This website also has a vast catalog of records. You will not miss one or two juices to quench your academic thirst. It is free for anyone wishing to save their documents or download educational documents.

Rate my Professors

If you are wondering how this website can come in handy for you as a student, you have probably not used it. Ratemyprofessors website allows you to check student reviews on a specific professor.

You can use the information when choosing your classes or selecting a professor as your supervisor for a thesis, capstone project, or dissertation.

The website also helps you to structure and plan your classes. You can also access information on class difficulty, grading criteria, things to watch out for, and the textbooks to be used. You will also be able to rate and review a professor whose class you attended.

The best news is that you can search for the professor by name or by the name of your school.

Purdue OWL

If there is a website that comes in handy when in college, it is the Purdue OWL website. It is a comprehensive website loaded with helpful information for academic writing.

When you access the website, you will learn how to write different academic papers, how to do proper citations, different citation styles and access style guidelines, and how to avoid plagiarism. In addition, you can find further information on Purdue Owl’s YouTube Channel, where you can access everything discussed on the website.

It is a very convenient and user-friendly website as it categorizes the guides based on the level of study.

You will enjoy the writing tips as a high schooler, undergrad student, or graduate student. And if you want to write a perfect resume, you can use the website's cover letter and resume guide.

Useful Apps for Students

Mobile phones are more portable compared to laptops and PCs. As a result, you can access them on the go and use them to access valuable apps that can transform your life as a student. If you are wondering what apps can benefit you as a student, here is a list.

Flipd: Accountability of Your Time 

 After attending a powerful motivational talk at your school hall, you have desired to focus on your studies. You have decided to research your assignments, but the fire memes and funny videos from your schoolmates won't let you finish them. After two hours, you realize that you have not done a quarter of your assignment.

Well, try the Flipd app from the play store or AppStore. This app locks your phone for two or five hours or any time you set it. There is an option of unlocking your device before your specified time if you feel like checking your phone. The app will judge you harshly for logging off before the stipulated time.

Most features of Flipd are set aside for premium users. For approximately $1 monthly or $7 annually, you will enjoy all services offered by Flipd at your disposal. Other students may find this app a nuisance, but for phone addicts, it is the correct remedy for self-discipline.

Chegg Tutor: Online Solution for Assignments

Students may sometimes get difficulties in answering a particular question in their assignment. Time to hand in your assignment, and you have nowhere to resort. This is where Chegg comes in.

Chegg is an app downloaded from Google Playstore or Apple Appstore. You can also use the website. This app gives you the platform to ask your questions in any form: photo, video, audio, or text. Once the experts have received your questions, they deliver answers and explanations promptly. This app is helpful when the student has run out of time and ideas.

Apart from asking questions, the students can rent a book. You would not want to spend 150 bucks for a text you intend to use for some weeks, then dump it. This app has other unique features: you can write a study plan on it. You can also check the plagiarism of your assignments on it.

Chegg is an excellent app, but it costs an arm. Although you can have a limited free account, to access all the above features, you must pay $15 monthly.

 Grammarly: Online Grammar and Spelling Checker

Students might have extensive assignments that run up to 10 pages or more. Spelling and grammar are often hard to follow when writing these essays. You may have limited time to read through your work. Grammarly comes in handy for reviewing your writings, indicating the errors and providing alternatives, and helping you rephrase them.

This powerful app also helps you check on the plagiarism of your essays since some tutors do not mark or record plagiarized assignments. Furthermore, it shows you the percentage that resembles other writers' work. Finally, it allows you to edit on the app or website.

However, not all features are free; you have to remit a monthly subscription of $19.98. Premium users check the spelling, grammar, and plagiarism of an unlimited number of words.

My Homework Student Planner

MyHomework student planner App is flexible for students of all levels, from university to college to high school.

This planner lets students track actual dates in their semesters, including exam dates, project dates, exam collection days, or music dates. In addition, it helps students access their classes and assignments anywhere they wish.

You can opt to use the free version, but it is full of ads. If you wish, you can pay $5 to enjoy premium services per year.

Splitwise APP

Splitwise is an excellent app that helps you keep track of your money in school. You might be countering problems in budgeting for your day-to-day activities in school.

Maybe you are planning to move to another apartment, or perhaps you are estimating that time you will have to ring your parent to ask for money; then Splitwise is your savior. Some students may be cost-sharing with their roommates. Cost-sharing requires accountability to avoid unnecessary arguments.

Using this app is so simple. You must key in the amount you share and the students you communicate with on the app. Splitwise then calculates the amount and gives you the alternative of paying using online payment platforms. It saves you unnecessary complaints and fights.

Splitwise Pro is a paid premium of approximately $3 a month. In addition, students on the Pro version have receipt scanning, currency conversion, and itemization features not available to users on the regular Splitwise.


Trello is another helpful app for students. It allows students to organize their assignments, timetables, and projects and collaborate with other students, especially on group projects.

You can also share your work with other students on Trello, making it suitable for group discussions.

It is available on Playstore and Appstore. Trello is free, but you can opt for $9.99 monthly subscriptions to enjoy additional.


This helpful app helps you align your thoughts. It allows you to scan your documents and saves them on the app. students can save and browse web pages on this platform with no ads. Above all, it synchronizes with your Google calendar to alert you on important dates.

Evernote allows you to synchronize your info to your laptop, tablet, or other devices without losing your information. In addition, Evernote helps students share their assignments with other group members in a discussion group and reminds them of important group meetings.

The students can upload audio, videos, and web links to all plans. However, to enjoy premium plans, you will have to remit a $7.99 monthly subscription.

Google Keep 

Google Keep is an app used for keeping notes. It is available in Google Play and Appstore. It allows the user to pin notes, voice notes, or lists.

A student can also search for initial pins and exchange the list with friends to receive reminders from them. However, this app is only available for Google users for free.


Flashcards are excellent tools that help students memorize crucial information for examinations.

Quizlet helps students create their flashcards or learn from the existing flashcard from their colleagues. In addition, it points out in the details you should put more effort into it.

It also provides a game called Match, in which the student races against time to memorize the flashcards.

Students can choose from over 200,000 study subjects available in 18 languages.


 SimpleMind+ lets students organize their line of thought by creating mind maps. These mind maps are encrypted into your Google Drive and shared with others students to improve their mind maps with videos, photos, and audio. They can easily customize the layout and appearance that suits them.

Notion: Notes and Lesson Planner

Notion is a powerful and helpful website that is accessible to all students. It is a readily available workspace. Notion allows you to type your notes and plans or record anything of your choice. It is primarily your life recording saved on the database, which you can access anywhere at any time,

You can also opt to download the Notion App on the play store or AppStore, free. The app comes with preloaded templates that come in handy when takings notes, which helps students to plan their semester. You can divide them into weeks and days. Then, jotting down the lessons and assignments on their respective days.

Notion is flexible in that you can modify almost every part of it. The students can choose preloaded dropdowns and layouts or customize their own. On top of typing texts, you can also upload images or files at no cost.

For those students with group work or discussions, you can call upon your group members and classmates to join the app. you will all be allowed to input your portions in it for free. For students who want it for little reminders. It is free, but for those students working on larger projects or group functions, we recommend the premium version.

The premium version goes for $4 monthly. You can invite guests and enjoy unlimited file uploads for free if you sign up with your school's email address or pay for premium subscriptions.


Fitness is a significant contributor to academic success. However, students tend to have tight schedules that make them forget to do some exercises. MyFitnessPal lets you track your meals and fitness routine on your device. On top of it, you can connect it to a fitness tracker that feeds the app with data automatically.

MyFitnessPal is downloadable from Playstore and Appstore for free, but to enjoy ad-free and meal planners, you have to pay a monthly subscription of $9.99


Besides fitness and a balanced diet, mental health is also crucial for academic excellence. Headspace provides meditation in an orderly way. It reminds you of your meditation times and gives playbacks that produce exemplary results.

This app is available for android and iPhone users for free. For $12.99 monthly, you will get access to an ad-free interface and other unique features.

Final Take

Many other mobile apps and websites can be helpful for a productive student. The app and website developers have identified a need that students need to address. You can use apps such as Amazon prime student, camelcamelcamel,, and, for instance, to enhance your financial expenditure. You can also access educational websites such as EdX, TED-ED, or Coursera to learn new skills and access educative content. Besides, you can also use YouTube to learn about almost everything and anything.

When you are a student in the technologically advanced age as today, your access and consumption of information matter. You can share this blog with your friends so that they know what they should install for productivity, well-being, and success in college and uni.

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