Simple Tips and tricks to help you write essays when Stuck

author By Mary Boies

There are many good things about writing an essay. Staring at a blank page with nothing to write for a while isn't one of them. You are not alone.

Getting started with an essay is the hardest thing in the essay writing process. It is a phase marred with procrastination and endless brain torture, sometimes leading to stress. Moreover, it is a step where most students send emails in distress, especially if an essay is due within a few hours.

Nobody wants to get to this stage—it is draining, demoralizing, and torturous, to say the least. While sometimes you are given a topic, other times you are left to choose one for your essay. Either way, you will notice that you will end in a rut without proper planning for your essay and procrastinate more.

We have received messages from students inquiring how to start an essay and write it to completion when they have no idea or motivation to do it. So we sat, asked around, researched, and have compiled some actionable tips and tricks that will ease your essay writing process.

13 Actionable Tips to Start an Essay when you Stuck or Blank

If you wonder how to write an essay, especially if you have no idea, you came to the right place. Essay writing requires a good mood, dedication, and inspiration. Having or developing an idea at the early stages makes the process flow seamlessly.

Move from broad to narrow when choosing a topic

Moving from general specific is one of the vital aspects that can help you write your essay when you don't have sufficient thoughts concerning the essay. Coming up with the topic is necessary. You can do this by researching the information or the subject within the general sphere.

For example, when you want to write an essay on American civil wars, begin by searching about the American civil wars, such as the history and the general facts related to the civil war. After that, proceed by narrowing your topic by selecting one of the American civil wars and its features. Finally, narrow the topic further, and develop an excellent topic for the essay, including the year when the civil war occurred, what caused the civil war, and the effects of the civil war.

When you get the opportunity to explore your topic from the general view before writing your essay, you can choose the topic you have much information about. Therefore, instead of looking at the information that fits pour topic, you can develop a topic that already has interesting illustrations or facts that you can easily explore.

Get inspiration from other people's work

Using people's work is termed plagiarism. Therefore, as a student, you should apply your ideas and imagination to write your essay. However, getting inspired by somebody's work is not a crime.

When you don't have any idea how to write your essay. You can explore the internet and get the websites with ideas, including topic lists or essay samples.

Going through the essay stuffs you retrieve through the internet can inspire you and give you hints on how to write your essay in the best manner. Moreover, when you go through the materials, you can adjust your ideas that satisfy your needs and compile the facts and examples to write your essay.

There are several topic lists for college and high school students that can assist you in choosing your topic. Every topic in the list can be specified, evaluated, or compiled to develop a concrete idea in your essay. If you don't have any notion on how to write your essay, looking at other essay topics or samples can assist you in developing an idea.

Don't write the essay when you are struggling

Avoiding writing an essay is one of the simplest options for you. However, suppose you don't have a mood or motivation and are depressed. In that case, you cannot write an essay that matches the readers' needs, leading to a poor-quality essay. Therefore, it is recommended that when you are facing these challenges, you should just refrain from writing an essay.

It is your preference to be determined in your assignment. Not all assignments need struggling, especially when doing it severally without good results.

Sometimes when you are afraid of the consequences of avoiding writing your essay when struggling, you can consult a writing service to assist you in writing your essay. Many students like to use the services instead because they are probably engaged in other tasks such as part-time or are not confident in essay writing. These websites that write essays provide the students with well-written essays sample that satisfy the instructor's expectations. Moreover, the students can also inquire several answers to the challenges they face concerning essay writing. In the end, you can write an essay and master the art of academic writing altogether.

Writing service is provided by individuals who have essay writing experience; hence can deliver an essay that is free from plagiarism and entails ideas that attract the reader's attention. As a student, you can consult a writing service when you are struggling to write your essay to help you deliver a quality essay within the required duration to evade possible consequences of not writing the essay.

Apply search results

Sometimes, you can get stuck and feel like you cannot write your essay as a student. When you are in this situation, you can type any word that connects your topic on the Google search and evaluate the search results to get an idea of how to write your essay. Google search will provide you with several results related to your topic. Typically, this will enable you to generate ideas on how to write your subject with ease.

For example, by typing the word American civil wars, you can see several results and queries on:

These search results and queries can be expanded and utilized to retrieve much information that can assist you in writing your essay. Generally, as a student, Google search is the best tool you can use to get hints that help you write your essay in case you are stuck.

Read your notes

Sometimes reading your notes can help you generate an idea of how to write your essay. You can derive numerous elements from your notes, including the thesis statements, how to write an introduction, and a conclusion. All these concepts are fundamental in essay writing. In addition, as a student, going through your notes can help you understand how to go about your essay.

You can begin to create an idea of your essay from your notes and narrow your subject by researching.

In most cases, students claim that they could not start their essay when they have the notes they can go through to get hints on the subject. As a student, you can get several ideas from your textbooks or any other material your teacher provides.

Additionally, you can engage your professors and inform them about the challenges you are experiencing when writing your essay. As a result, your professor can assist you in generating ideas that can be helpful in your essay writing. Moreover, your professor can also recommend the best book that can help you get further ideas c regarding your essay.

Brainstorm for essay ideas

Brainstorming is fundamental in assisting you as a student get a solution or idea when you cannot perceive anything to write your paper. You may have an idea about this method, and it might be the best time for you to apply this technique.

Generally, brainstorming is very simple. It demands several thoughts concerning the topic while validating every opinion based on its suitability. However, no thought should be rejected despite their insignificance because they can lead to a relevant idea.

When you want to come up with an idea, you just need to take your notepad and your pencil and list the ideas in your mind concerning your topic. In doing so, you should commence with the simplest thing, including one word in your research sphere.

For example, when you are signed to write an essay on the "effects of the American civil wars," you can begin with "American civil wars."

You can then write everything related to the American civil wars, for example:

Upon listing the possible ideas to have in your mind, you can filter them and consider the ideas that satisfy the need of your essay, for example:

Select a subject that you have interest on

As a student, you may have a topic you like more than others. Then, when you apply this topic to write your essay, you will generate ideas quickly. However, this is not possible on many occasions because school programs cover many topics that you cannot find interesting. However, you can still develop an idea that can connect your space of hobbies or interests.

For example, when you are interested in studying American history, you may find the topic concerning the civil wars exciting. You can easily generate ideas that can help you write an excellent essay.

On the other, handwriting an essay that you do not have an interest in can affect the quality of your essay because you may have limited ideas. Moreover, you may take a lot of time to complete the essay.

Skip introduction for last

When you don't have an idea of how to write your essay, it is recommended that you skip the introduction and concentrate on the body of the essay before writing your introduction at last.

An introduction provides the background information on the topic. You will find it simple to write the introduction after writing your ideas in the body of your essay. Therefore, as a student, you should write your introduction and conclusion last. 

Many students procrastinate because they treat their introduction with precision. To prevent this, you should keep in mind that whatever you write is a draft and can be improved as the writing progresses. This notion is significant in the following ways.

It is critical to forget your introduction and write it last based on these aspects. Then, just begin writing relevant things to your essay subject with the notion that you can either edit or delete it later.

It would help if you also consider that conclusion and introduction consults of about 100 to 150 words each. Therefore, it is critical as a writer to make sure you preserve about 200 to 300 words for your introduction and conclusion.

Generally, writing your introduction last will assist you in saving your time, developing the body of your essay, and ensuring that you come up with a concrete introduction.

Get additional sources from Google Scholar

After reading your teacher notes and slides to get ideas, you can move to Google scholar to retrieve additional information that could help you develop your ideas.

Google Scholar has numerous materials that can help you generate ideas for your essay. It is easy to access millions of academic materials through Google scholar. Goggle Scholar consists of several search engines that provide academic web pages and academic resources. To use googol scholar, you need to write keywords related to your essay subject. Identify the relevant materials and read the sources provided one by one

After going through the abstracts of the articles, you will evaluate whether the resources are relevant to the needs of your topic. When you find the resource insignificant, you can delete it to remain with a significant article sonly that you can reference.

It would help if you kept in mind that referencing additional material is important b in obtaining extra grades because it indicates that you have participated in independent research and makes you one of the top students.

Additional readings also give you many details and information to add to your essay. You can paraphrase the ideas you retrieved from the sources and cite the article's authors to avoid being accused of plagiarism.

Create your essay plan

After getting your ideas right, the next tip is to write your essay outline. Writing your essay plan helps you to structure your paper. Some of the tips that have been discussed above in clouding brainstorming can form part of your essay plan. What you need now is to list them in tour required order.

You should keep in mind that a paragraph should be 150 words. Therefore, you should include the introduction, body, and conclusion in your essay plan. The body of your essay can be longer depending on the number of ideas you want to include in your essay. Each idea should be explained in each paragraph, and the body paragraphs should be linked with transitional words. Finally, the conclusion should restate the thesis statement of the essay, provide a summary of the ideas discussed in the body paragraphs and provide the concluding statements that indicate the completeness of the essay.

When your instructor wants you to write about a 1500-word paper, then you will be required to engage in the word count. However, this should not worry you once you start writing because it can be fixed later.

Once you complete your essay plan, all you require is to transform the key ideas in the essay outline into well-composed paragraphs. When writing your paragraphs, you need to write the topic sentence that explains the idea you want to discuss in your paragraph. It involves the explanation of the aspects explained in the paragraph. After writing the topic sentence, you will write the facts, figures, examples, and evidence that support your idea in the paragraph. Your paragraph should consist of about 4 to 6 sentences. Before you proceed to the next paragraph, make sure your idea is concluded in the last sentence of your paragraph.   

Consult your professor concerning your ideas

While other tips are also great, this tip separates the top student from the average students. When you are an average student, you should not worry; you can get support from your instructor through consultations. 

It is a great idea to consult constructively, politely, and let your instructor know that you have difficulties writing your essay.

Many students shy away from consulting with their teacher for fear of being victimized. But, no! it is, by all means, right to email your teacher to get support, clarifications, and directions. It is part of what your teacher is paid for. And even though some will grumble, they will end up helping you.

You should keep in mind that consulting your instructor through a good email serves the following purposes:

As a student, when you consult your teacher, let them know that you have generated some ideas and hence seek their advice; you can ask them about their opinions about your thoughts and consult if they have any hints that assist in improving your ideas.

You will realize that many teachers have well-structured ideas on how they want the assigned essay to be written; they can comment on your work and give you several tips on what you need to do to get extra grades in your essay.

Generally, consulting your instructor about your ideas will help you as a student to get assistance every time you get stuck in writing your essay. Regular consultations will also keep you close to your teacher, one of the aspects that can lead to an academic-friendly relationship.

Apply key points from your instructor's slides

Your instructor slides are of great importance to your essay. Sometimes you may have a problem brainstorming your ideas, or you may have gotten several points to write in your essay.

The next step is to retrieve additional information regarding the topic that your lecturer provides. Your lecturer's slides can allow brainstorming by considering several points illustrated in the slides.

You can get your teacher's slides from the class homepage. In addition, almost all universities use Moodle, canvas, or blackboard learning systems. These sites can assist you in finding your lecturer's notes.

After getting your lecturer's notes, you can read them and adjust the relevant points to your essay topic. If your teacher has provided references to the slides, you can also add them as part of your brainstorming points. You will also require them as part of your references.

Generally, your instructor's slides can help you brainstorm to produce well-framed points that can help you write your essay.

Use the resources provided by your teacher

Reading resources is one of the hints that can help you write your essay when you get stuck. Lecturers and instructors speech more time to identify relevant resources that can best suit the need of their students. If you are stuck and cannot proceed with your essay, it is recommended that you go back to your lecturer's resources to get ideas. In addition, you can explore your class home page and check your teacher's recommended readings.

After getting the recommended readings, you can save them on your computer. The resources will form part of your solution to your essays. The resources should be part of your additional readings and will play an integral role in improving your essay standards. Additionally, the set readings will provide details and ideas concerning your idea.

Wrapping up

Plan and start your essay early to avoid procrastination or end up in a writing rut. It would help if you could finish the first draft within three-quarters of the time allocated.

Doing so allows you quality time to edit your work after taking some deserved break to free your mind and be objective. It also helps you complete the essay in time if something comes up. You try to cut down the chances of emailing your teacher for a late submission or deadline extension, which some regard as rude, unprofessional, or nagging.

Always consider using your notepad frequently to write essay ideas (during brainstorming) that you can utilize in your future tasks. In this manner, you will not struggle so much to write your essay.

Generating a good essay idea may be hectic, especially if the essays are required within tight deadlines. This can influence you to write the essay in a hurry, allowing quality work that calls for lower grades. If you are stuck to writing your essay, you can seek help from professional writers or brainstorm your ideas individually. EssayManiacs has a platform that brings together top writers who can assist whenever and wherever. We are a click away.

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