Success Steps and Tips for Writing a 10-page Research Paper Fast

author By Mary Boies

Writing a 10-page paper on a given topic is a common assignment in college and students dread it so much, especially if it has a last-minute deadline.

A reason for this is the intensive research, planning, and writing process it takes. However, the moment you can ace a 10-page plus paper in a day, two days, or overnight, you can comfortably achieve writing over 300 pages per month, which is super awesome. Moreover, it shows that you can complete your dissertation or thesis faster than an average student.

The main question most people ask is whether they can write a 10-page plus paper in a night or under a day. Well, having asked our professional writers, students who have written many 10–15-page assignments, and professors, we have a conclusive answer.

Yes, you can complete a 10-page essay or research paper within a night or under 24 hours if you plan your time well, research adequately, use writing and editing tools, type faster, and edit accurately. However, that depends on factors such as focus, ability to avoid distraction, typing speed, awareness of the research writing process, and if you can self-edit your written piece faster.

If you set your mind and focus on doing a 10-page or more than 10 pages fast, you can achieve it if you remain undistracted.

Structure of a 10-Page Research Paper

A 10-page paper is between 2500 words and 3000 words long in a double-spaced standard formatted MS Word paper. It is a common assignment for students pursuing business studies, management, education, sociology, medicine and health, nursing, English Literature, Geography, and more subjects.

It is usually assigned with a 3-days, one-week, or a few weeks deadline. However, sometimes you will be assigned to write a 10-page paper overnight or within a day.

Besides, it could be a last-minute attempt to write a 10-page paper, and you must do it fast. You can only write more than 10-page papers if you understand the structure and main parts that need to feature in the paper.

When writing a 10-page research paper, you can either follow the scientific research paper format or the general research paper format. The scientific research paper format includes the title page, abstract, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion, reference page, and appendices. In addition, it follows the IMRAD format.

The general research paper format, on the other hand, includes the title page (in MLA, Chicago, Oxford, APA, or Harvard), Introduction, Body paragraphs, Conclusion, references page, and the appendices page (s). it can either include or exclude an abstract depending on the instructions from your instructor.

How to write a 10-Page paper in one night- 10 steps for Success

Imagine this: a day or night before a big paper is due, and all you have is a blank paper and nothing more.

But for a reason, you must write an entire research paper either last-minute or within the shortest time.

You are so psyched up at this point that even procrastination or writer’s block have nothing on you.

To write a 10-page paper or more pages (up to 20 pages) in under a day or overnight, there are a few things you need to do pre-, during, and post-writing.

Let us look closely at tips and hacks that have always worked.

Pre-Writing Preparations

Before you settle for the writing process, there are a few things you must do and do them strictly fast enough to leave enough time for the subsequent steps.

1.      Read and understand the instructions

Reading and understanding the instructions will let you know the expectations of your instructor or professor.

For instance, you will be able to know if you can choose a topic on your own, select from the list, or write on a specific assigned topic.

The prompt has instructions on the right format, several sources to include, and other critical factors about the assignment.

Reading and interpreting the instructions should take less than about 20 minutes.

As you read, mark the critical aspects so that your final research paper reflects everything required.

2.      Select a manageable topic

If you are given a chance to choose a topic on your own or from a list, select a topic you can manage.

Choose a topic you are interested in, understand better, or can comfortably research and write a longer paper.

You will save much time if you select a topic you can find information about online, from the assigned readings, and from other sources of scholarly references.

 As you choose the research paper topic, it is prudent that you look for the available resources. The topic that yields more credible sources should be the most suitable choice.

The preliminary research to familiarize yourself with the topic can be done using scholarly and non-scholarly sources. Therefore, at this stage, you can use Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, blogs, and other sources to get background information that can help you break down the paper.

Also, the preliminary research stage helps you identify the pillar scholarly articles you can use when writing the research paper to support your ideas through quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing.

3.      Break down the paper

It is imperative to break down the paper into subtopics so that you can manage each faster and efficiently.

When you section the paper out, you can handle different but related parts contributing to the final Success.

Subtopics support the topic and comprise mainly the body paragraphs of the research paper.

The subtopics are mini essays within the paper and must be formatted correctly. You can have 3-5 subtopics in the research paper.

4.      Write an Outline in advance

With the list of subtopics, you can envision the research paper in terms of what parts it will have. Therefore, create a research paper outline without wasting much time to help you organize the ideas.

You are fresh from the preliminary research and have tons of ideas. Therefore, when you lay out the ideas in the structure of your research paper this early, you will have little to worry about regarding missing the already strict deadline when it comes to the writing stage.

Outlining is essential when writing the 10-page assignment as it helps you know what areas to give more attention to, begin with, or do further research. You will also be focused because you have a bigger picture of what to expect.

Plan the appropriate hook for your opening sentence as you write the outline. You can use the same hooks as essays, including statistics, facts, and statements to draw the readers' attention.

You should then expound on the topic or the problem in the background. Your research paper should also have a thesis statement that contains the gist of your research paper.

Finally, your introduction must have a signpost of the subsequent parts or sections of the research paper so that your readers know what to expect.

Break down the introduction depending on the subtopics you have developed and write some recommendations you would like to feature in conclusion.

The outline is the roadmap for writing or drafting the research paper. It should be packed with details and must feature the subheadings.

5.      Create a Schedule

You understand yourself better. Therefore, understand when you have concentration windows and utilize them to your advantage.

Allocate things like researching, writing, and editing when your concentration levels are high.

For instance, if you are writing overnight, choose the research paper sections to begin with during the evening, those to complete at midnight, and those to deal with early morning hours.

If it is a day, consider allocating more time for preliminary and subsequent in-depth research, writing, and editing, and do them at periods when you have the highest concentration levels and energy.

6.      Find a Good place to do it

You can’t just write a 10-page research paper anywhere and expect to complete it within the shortest time.

Instead, you have to choose a good place that is free from distraction, has ambience, and allows you to have a relaxed mind for your paper.

You can do the 10-page assignment in your room, library, café, study center, or hotel room as long as the environment welcomes concentration. For example, you can have some music in the background to give you the morale you need as you write.

Writing the Research Paper Fast–Drafting Stage

Now that everything else has fallen into place, you need to begin drafting your research paper. You are now ready to put rubber on the road.

A major research paper tip for this stage is to begin writing immediately without wasting time. Then, of course, you can take a small break to cool off, but you have to be cognizant that the time will never freeze for you.

Another thing, use the citation-management tools to organize the references, and in-text citations, then cite your paper as you write. Because you are expected to have organized, downloaded, and placed your references in accessible spaces, once you refer to an idea, make sure to cite it appropriately. If you have the entire night or 24 hours to write a research paper, focus on writing first and editing later.

7.      Begin with the Body Section/Paragraphs

Since you have little time, you should be very specific in your research. Most of the time, the body of a research paper contains more weight since it makes up 80% of the research paper.

If you are following the IMRAD format for the research paper, you are expected to handle the methodology (research design, instruments/tools, procedure, and data analysis), results, and Discussion sections first. This is if your research paper is a report describing a scientific study.

However, if it is a general research paper, you should write the body section, which you have now broken into subheadings.

Write the body paragraphs based on the subtopics that you had identified earlier. You can research as you write and cite every source that you have referred to when developing the topic.

For instance, if you are writing about factors affecting Cruise ship tourism in Australia, focus on 3-4 factors, then expound on them in relation to your topic. And as you expound on them, find, read, and cite from scholarly sources of studies conducted elsewhere or in Australia that support the topic.

To write a coordinated body for your research paper, use appropriate subheadings depending on the formatting style – APA, MLA, Harvard, or Chicago formatting.

8.      Write the Introduction Next

After doing the body and given that you have a sketch of the research paper introduction, you can now draft a befitting introduction section for your paper.

Suppose you follow the IMRAD format when writing a medical or nursing quality improvement paper. In that case, the introduction should contain an opening statement or attention grabber, problem statement (background), theoretical framework, research questions, hypothesis, or objectives, and a signpost of the sections of the research paper.

Otherwise, your introduction should expound on the topic, its importance, and a paper breakdown if you are writing a general research paper.

Craft the introduction such that anyone can identify your thesis. If anything, underline your thesis or mark it in a different color if you want to tweak it later.

It is also best practice to write the introduction after the body because you will incorporate all the aspects of the paper without leaving out ideas or exaggerating facts. You should spend 40-45% of the total time you have on writing your research paper.

9.      Write the Conclusion Last

Like the introduction, the conclusion comprises 10% of the entire research paper. Therefore, it should take less than an hour to complete and utmost one hour if you are a slow typer.

The conclusion should have your rephrased thesis statement, a summary of the major points in the body of the research paper, and recommendations based on the topic.

Like a great introduction, a solid conclusion sells your paper to your readers. Therefore, ensure that you start it off with the right opening concluding sentence starters, use enough transitions, and logical flow of the points as is in your research paper. It is not a chance to introduce new stuff or ideas.

Post-Writing Stage (Editing and proofreading fast)

Revision distinguishes a good research paper from an average or below-average research paper. To score an A of 80% and above, you should spare at least an hour for editing, proofreading, and polishing your paper.

10.  Revise, Edit, and Proofread Last

When revising the research paper, pay close attention to the structure of your research paper. Ensure that the title page, headings and subheadings, indentation, and general formatting of the references and the paper are achieved.

Also, countercheck if you have spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors. You can use tools such as Grammarly, Hemmingway Editor, or Ginger Software.

Mind the tenses and voice you use in the research paper, as it is all a formal affair. Ensure that your thesis statement is conspicuous, clear, and concise. 

If there are run-on or ambiguous sentences, simplify them by breaking down the complex sentences. Ensure that every claim is backed with appropriate facts, examples, comments, and explanations. Even when you cite, ensure that your voice as the writer appeals to the readers more than the summary from the sources.

If you are writing a religion research paper, ensure that the quotes from the Bible and other religious texts are well cited. Also, if you are writing a history research paper, countercheck the dates and other facts to ensure your statements are accurate. The same applies to sociology, nursing, economics, and biology papers, literary every research paper for any subject and topic- Accuracy matters. If it is an English research paper, ensure that every quote from the

Check if there is repetition in your paper and remove or rephrase your sentences. Avoid filler words and phrases through the meticulous choice of words so that your paper is clear and focused. You can also catch syntax errors in your research paper if you read it aloud. That way, you will spot and correct all the typos in your paper. Where there is no flow, reinforce the flow using logical transition words and phrases.

As a final touch, re-read the entire paper before submitting it to be sure that the research paper you submit will get the highest score from the Rubric.

Tips for Success in writing a Research Paper Fast

Now that we have shared the pre-writing, writing, and post-writing steps for writing a 10-page paper faster, we need to look at some tips that will make this a success when you have an urgent deadline.

Start early

When assigned a long assignment due in under 12 hours, overnight, or under 24 hours, you need to begin the writing process early.

Read the instructions, take notes, plan, research, structure, draft and edit early enough so that you are not panicked and confused as the deadline approaches.

At the same time, starting early will allow you ample time to review the paper, look at the instructions again, and make it a top-grade research paper. You should create a timeline that specifies what to do at each stage.

Choose a manageable topic

If you can choose a topic on your own, either from research or a list, consider selecting a topic that interests you, one that you can write more body paragraphs on without running out of ideas.

Otherwise, if you are assigned to write a research paper on a specific topic, consider researching in-depth to understand and explore it better. The topic should address the research paper prompt parameters.

Conducting a preliminary search of information and locating sources to use in the research paper can help you assess whether the topic is manageable. When there is too much information, consider narrowing down the topic. If there is little information, make your topic broad.

Ensure that the topic is also original. Do not just choose a topic for the sake of it. Remember, the instructor has been marking hundreds of research paper annually and already knows some of the most common topics.

Even if you choose such topics, have a twist in its wording or titling. For example, original topics can come from news articles, course readings, suggestions from the instructor in class, controversial issues, and subjects with a slight twist involving more than one field.

Prepare adequately for the research and writing process

Follow the basic steps of the research process, such as identifying the topic, doing a preliminary information search, locating and organizing materials, evaluating the sources, making notes, citing the sources properly, and streamlining everything in your research report.

Preparing for the research process includes choosing the right topic beforehand, outlining the paper, and planning how to handle the research process. In addition, the preliminary search process helps you gauge if there is adequate information to meet the research paper requirements.

You can use keywords from the topic to look up the appropriate sources from databases, a catalogue of books, or periodical databases. Also, check lecture notes and class readers and reverse reading to get sources.

The preliminary search often shapes the focus and perspective on the topic. After you locate the materials on your topic, evaluate them using the CRAAP test to determine their credibility, validity, and authenticity to feature in your paper.

It also entails creating a specific folder to download the journal articles and note the helpful links. You can also use online citation-management tools such as Zotero, Citefast, Citethisforme, Mendeley, or other online services to note the resources you will be using. You can even print the sources to access them quickly and interact with them physically.

Use Subheadings

Break down the research paper into subheadings so that you have manageable chunks. This way, you can write an entire research paper faster, efficiently, and accurately without panicking about the deadline. Once you are done with a subheading, move to the next one. Then when you are done with them, establish a connection by adding transitional words and phrases to maintain a flow.

Look for Pillar Scholarly Sources

During the preliminary and in-depth research stages, identify 3-8 pillar scholarly sources to use in the paper. These are those peer-reviewed journals, company records, periodicals, and other scholarly sources that you can use when defining your thoughts, claims, and arguments in the research paper. They should be related to the perspectives or focus you have decided to take in each subheading or the entire topic.

Use Citation Management Tools

Citation management tools are a technological savior for students. With them, you can organize the reference list as you write and generate it when you are done.

Additionally, they format the in-text citations and the references/bibliography/works cited list instead of working with a printed citation cheat sheet.

Therefore, you can generate a complete reference page and paste it at the end of your research paper just before the appendices. This can save you more time to focus on reading, editing, and proofreading.

Focus on the writing first and editing later

Because you are limited in time, the best strategy is to write faster first and edit later. This means typing your entire research paper and only ensuring that the perspectives reflect without minding the soundness of the sentences or grammatical issues.

You can take a break when you are done writing and then resume editing and proofreading the paper. You will be amazed at how doing this can save you some minutes or even hours. The thing is to leave behind the perfectionist spirit when drafting the research paper.

Write in stages

A research paper is written first when done in stages. As you draft the paper, do it haphazardly. The assumption here is that you already have the outline. Therefore, you have a roadmap of how the research paper will go and what it will look like.

Even if you begin with the subheadings in the body, you are guaranteed to complete a research paper that is organized, flowing, and accurate. Consider your motivation and aptness for the hardest sections.

Work on the challenging sections when you are psyched up or have higher energy levels, probably in the morning or immediately after your short breaks.


How long should it take to write a 10-page research paper?

Writing a 10-page research paper should take an average of 8 hours if you are good at researching and typing fast. The same applies if you are experienced in writing essays and long papers fast. On the other hand, if you are a slow writer, it should take you around 18 hours to complete such a paper.

Can I complete a 12-page research paper in one night?

Yes, you can if you plan well, research, cut down on time wastage and focus on writing first, then editing later. For example, to write a 12-page research paper in a night, ensure that you familiarize yourself with the topic, develop an outline, divide the paper into subtopics, and handle the tough parts first and easier sections last. If you are writing it in IMRAD format for research papers, ensure that you start with the methodology section, findings section, and other parts to avoid wasting too much time when your energy and concentration levels deplete.

Is it possible to write a 10 to 12-page paper in 5 hours?

Well, this would be too last minute. You can write it if you are well aware of the topic. All you have to do is to pace up your schedule and spend little time off the paper. Of course, you have to type faster, cite as you go and proofread as soon as you have something substantive.

How many paragraphs make a 10-page paper?

A paragraph is about 150 words, and a 10-page paper is between 2500 words and 3000 words. Therefore, a 10-page paper will have approximately 18-22 paragraphs, with 20% being its body and conclusion paragraphs and 80% of the word count forming the body paragraphs.

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