Best Ways to Study as a Kinesthetic Learner and Pass Exams

author By Mary Boies

Nothing frustrates anyone like failing to remember facts, topics, or answers during an exam. Even worse is when you read the first question and the next one, your mind becomes completely blank. It comes with a feeling of defeat, desperation, and sometimes regret, especially when those who missed classes and studied less end up performing better than you.

EssayManiacs is a dedicated platform that assists various college students daily with their assignments, classwork, studying, and sometimes exams. With years of experience, as teachers and as helpers, we can authoritatively advise on how best to study given a given learning style. We have encountered students with different learning abilities and styles thus far. And if you are desperately seeking ways to improve your studying habits, you came to the right place. We understand what works best for tactile, auditory, and visual learners.

If you fidget during lectures, learn better through lab experiments, illustrations, and perform overly well in extracurricular activities, you are a tactile or kinesthetic learner. However, you are one of those who learn best through hands-on activities and movements.

Knowing your learning style matters the most because it helps you strategize your studies. And in this article, we cover some of the practical ways you can learn as a tactile learner and avoid mental lapses, brain freezes/farts, or disappointments.

Who is a tactile learner?

A tactile or kinesthetic learner is a natural doer who requires physical touch or something to learn concepts in the best order. The tactile learner sees or hears to learn and then concludes their learning by testing it themselves.

The tactical learners comprise approximately 5% of the total global population. A tactical learner absorbs information through touching, doing, being active, or moving. Tactical learners have the following characteristics:

Learning strengths of a tactile learner

Tactical learner thrives when engaged in structured-physical activities with numerous movements and built-in breaks. Although many people perceive tactical learners as lacking focus and possessing attention disorders, this group needs personalized learning approaches to increase their learning strengths. Identifying whether you are a tactile learner is the major starting point. The strengths of a tactile learner can be identified in the following traits.

The following perspectives can increase the learning strengths of a tactical learner:

Related Reading: Tips and steps for effective reading in college and university.�

Effective ways to Study as a Tactile Learner

Having looked at some of the different strategies that can increase the learning efficiency of tactile learners, let�s delve even deeper into 17 effective ways to study as a tactile learner. These are proven methods that have worked well for other tactile learners. Although not individualized, combining some of these strategies can be a game-changer for your studies. Let�s dig right in.

1. Find a good place to study that allows movement

Place of study is fundamental for the success of your studies. Therefore, it is essential to consider the study place that permits concentration and focus. In addition, movement plays an integral part in tactile learning.

It is important to choose a study environment that allows movement. Although the bed may sound amazing for a tactical learner, it is not the best place for study. Tactile learner absorbs concepts when engaging in movement.

As mentioned earlier, tactile learners need physical touch to understand concepts during the learning process. Therefore, an environment that tolerates movement provides an opportunity for the tactile learner to enjoy demonstrations, dance, and engage in other several activities that involve movement.

Tactical learning involves numerous activities that involve movements. For example, activities such as dancing, playing musical instruments, yoga, and physical relaxations demand movements that are critical in ensuring that the learner comprehends the aspects.

An open environment that allows movement is critical for tactile learning. Moreover, a standing desk is one of the best options for tactical learning. It permits the tactile learner to move while studying.

2. Study with quite a music on the background

Tactile learners learn by doing things. For example, loud music in the background may distract tactile learners because they do not learn by listening rather than doing.

Tactile learning relies on the ability to sense movement and body position. This means that for tactile learners to understand a certain concept, they need to feel it, touch it and move it around instead of hearing. Therefore, background music does not play any role in tactile learning. A tactile learner cannot grasp the concept when observing or listening.

To effectively study as a tactile learner, the place should have quite a music in the background because the loud music in the background will not play any significant role in grasping concepts.

As opposed to auditory learners, listening does not significantly impact tactile learning because tactile learners rely heavily on the sense of touching and movements. However, tactile learners play music by exploring Pentascales Patterns, which develops a musical outlet for their demand to experiment.

3. Avoid study for long periods

Being a tactile learner, your brain does not have the ability to sustain concentration when studying for a long time without engaging in several breaks while moving around. Therefore, to engage in a practical study, you will have to include breaks during your study.

There is no specific break interval that is effective; it relies on the period you use to focus before getting distracted.

Set a timer on your phone that could be thirty minutes or each hour. Take about ten minutes and move as you step away from your study. This approach will maintain your concentration at the best level.

Failing to take a break during your studies may hinder your concentration and hence affect your ability to grasp the concepts. Moreover, movement during the breaks is also significant in bringing back your concentration to normal levels.

The tactile learner can use several techniques to take breaks and maintain efficiency. As a tactile learner, you can utilize the Pomodoro Technique. This technique is vital because it establishes a sense of urgency but still proves the opportunity of the learner to rest.

4. Avoid sitting while studying

Tactile learners process information when engaging in several types of movement. You may not notice that your hands are fidgeting with all they can hold.

A tactile learner may make the biggest mistake when engaging in reading and re-reading a pile of notes without involving stimulating tactile sense. Likewise, sitting when you study is not effective during tactile learning.

As mentioned earlier, tactile learning involves physical touch that involves movement during the study. Fidgeting or engaging in movement may sound silly. Still, the approaches are fundamental in helping you remember and concentrate on the topics you are learning.

There are several ways to engage in a movement when you are studying. Participating in repetitive movement is significant, from using fidget toys, shaking your foot, or tapping your pen on the desk. Generally, movement plays an integral part in effective tactile learning because it enhances the concentration of the learner in several ways.

Sitting during your study as a tactile learner does not help you grasp the concepts. Additionally, because movement forms the central part of tactile learning, sitting while studying hinders the process. Therefore, it is critical to avoid sitting when studying as a tactile learner.

5. Write, read, and rewrite your notes

Being a tactile learner, your memory relies heavily on movement. Therefore, choosing to write your notes instead of typing them using the computer will make a difference in the quality of your learning.

Writing comprises hand movements; therefore, you can apply it for your individual benefits. For example, once you complete writing, you can read whatever you have written and then start rewriting your notes which is vital for your memory development.

As a tactile learner, participating in repetitive movements will permit you to remember the topics which are ideal for exams. Writing activities are critical in tactile learning because it involves numerous movements that can assist you as a learner to grasp many aspects.

As discussed before, tactile learning is based on movement, therefore engaging in activities that promote movement is fundamental in increasing the learner's concentration and ability to understand several concepts during their studies.

As a tactile learner, you can rewrite your notes on a different paper severally as a method of practice. The frequency of rewriting allows you to make several movements that are important in increasing your concentration during your studies. Additionally, rewriting your notes also enables you to memorize the concepts, elevating your understanding.

6. Join a group study

The study group is important, especially when you are a tactile learner. You might ask why you need to join a study group and contribute to your learning style.

Joining a dedicated study group that comprises your classmates will enable you to explore other aspects of your study. Study group allows the sharing of ideas; you will get the opportunity to interact with classmates and demonstrate your learning style.

Group study brings learners together to share ideas on solving several issues related to topics they study. Joining group study will enable you to acquire numerous ideas from your classmates to increase your understanding of several topics.

Involving ingroup study can enable you to develop fun movement activities that can assist you in remembering several topics. Furthermore, studying with others allows you to appreciate each other's knowledge and assist each other.

If you don't understand a certain topic, your partner in the group study can help you explain several aspects and, if possible, apply movements to explain the concept in detail. Generally, involving in group study as a tactile learner will be more advantageous to you throughout your learning process. 

7. Chew gum as you study

As a tactile learner, your study depends on movement. For example, chewing gum involves continuous movement of the jaw. The repetitive movement of the jaw will increase your focus on the task and increase your memory while you study.

Additionally, chewing gum will help you to recall information. Chewing gum increases heart rate, cerebral blood flow, and blood pressure that activates your brain, permitting you to focus and concentrate. As a tactical learner, you will get a recognition burst that enables your brain to pump up when you chew gum.

Chewing gum will also contribute to your attentiveness during your study. It is fundamental in helping you remember more information concerning the topic you study. As a tactile learner, you should chew gum during your study as one of the aspects of initiating movements that are significant for your concentration and focus.

Also, chewing gum is vital for the improvement of your memory. Improved memory enhances more accuracy that is vital in your study.

The slight movement initiated by chewing the gum will sustain your focus on the task, protect you from getting distracted, and provide you with a quick approach to reviewing information.

8. Make Flashcards

All learning styles utilize flashcards; therefore, tactile learning is not exclusive as they enable learners to evaluate their understanding of significant terms in the test. Moreover, as a tactile learner, making flashcards will allow you to analyze information.

As a tactile learner, the movement of the flipping flashcards assists you in remaining focused on the definition and terms you are reading. This aspect is vital in enabling you to understand the information effectively.

To study effectively as a tactile learner, you should easily make flashcards to review the information.

As a tactile learner, there are several aspects that you should consider when making flashcards that you use for your study. You should make your individual flashcard, mix words and pictures, write only one question on each card, and break the complex ideas into several questions. The movement aspect caused by the flashcard's flipping plays a major role in tactile learning.

Being a tactile learner, you need to make flashcards during your study to grasp some of the complex aspects regarding the topic effectively. Generally, the making of flashcards has been one of the advantageous approaches for many tactile learners.

9. Take physically active breaks as you study

As already mentioned earlier, taking a long time in your studies as a tactile learner will not yield any fruit for you. Therefore, you need to take breaks, not just a break but physical activeness.

As a tactile learner, taking a break means moving around after sitting down for some time. Therefore, including movements in your break will stimulate the required focus for your study. Therefore, taking a break does not mean checking Facebook for ten minutes. Instead, it means that you are actively involved in movements that stimulate your focus to go back to your studies. Moreover, taking physically active breaks also enables you to regain the concentration ability you will need for your study.

You can effectively take physically active breaks by stopping your study as a tactile learner. Instead, you undertake things such as walking around, stretching, or doing other things to engage you in movement.

Taking breaks will relieve you from boredom as a tactile learner. As a tactile learner engaging in the physically active break will increase your concentration.

Sitting down for a longer duration will enable you to get distracted and hinder you from absorbing the concepts. Therefore, to counter this challenge as a learner, you need to take physically active breaks to span your concentration.

10. Use games and puzzles to learn better

As a tactile learner using games and puzzles might be one of the best ways in engaging ineffective studies. As stated earlier, tactile learners engage in games as part of their learning process. In addition, tactile learners can use games and puzzles to increase their memory.

As a tactile learner, you need to choose a certain game that increases in a challenge. Playing the game over and over again increases your focus on several tasks. Additionally, engaging in puzzles is another aspect of increasing your brain performing tasks. Games like Sudoku are vital in challenging the left side of the brain.

As a tactile learner engaging in games and puzzles will increase your memory, focus, and concentration. Moreover, they will assist you in being more current in day-to-day activities. Brain games and puzzles will also help prevent dementia and age-related cognitive decline as a learner.

Puzzles are also important in encouraging patience, goal setting, and logical thinking. As a tactile learner engaging in puzzles will increase your logical thinking and goal-setting abilities.

11. Use mnemonics to recall facts

It is crucial to understand several mnemonic devices that you can apply in your study as a tactile learner. Visualization and imagery are some of the types of mnemonics devices that can help your brain remember things. For example, creating mental images will enable you to remember concepts easily.

The Loci method is the ancient type of mnemonic device. It applies visualization and imagery; however, you have to choose the place you are acquainted with.

Acrostics and acronyms are other types of mnemonics that involve using letters to help you remember some fundamental concepts concerning the topic.

Rhymes are the main mnemonic device; they apply acoustic encoding to make concepts easier to recall. Therefore, as a tactile learner, rhymes can help you recall several complex concepts.

Chunking is another mnemonic device that can significantly help tactile learners. Chunking involves breaking complex information into simplified forms that can be remembered easily. Because our brain can process such information at a specific time, this device can be applied to simplify information.

Mnemonic devices will help you as a tactile learner develop the connection between two forms of information in your brain. The standard mnemonic that almost everyone knows is ROYGBIV- One of the renowned acronyms that assist in remembering the order of colors in the visual light spectrum.

Mnemonics will; assist in many ways as tactile learners. The wackier and weirder your connections are, the easier you will recall them. This is because your brain is adapted to recalling ordinary things. As a tactile learner, mnemonics will help you break complex concepts and develop several mnemonics that can be utilized to recall the facts.

Generally, as a tactile learner, you can use mnemonics to remember everything. Try to use these methods when you need to remember, and you will be an amazing amount of information your brain can process.

12. Teach Others What You Have Learned

As a tactile learner, teaching others what you have learned is critical in understanding the concept. Therefore, one of the pillars of tactile learning is engaging in repetitive actives.

Teaching others what you have learned may be undertaken through demonstrations that include movement, making you grasp more knowledge concerning the topic. Furthermore, teaching others what you have learned will also demonstrate the level of your understanding concerning the topic.

Also, your memory will also be improved concerning the topic. As a tactile learner, demonstrating to your classmates what you have learned can also enable you to revise the aspects you had previously learned. It also increases your understanding of the topic under discussion.

Teaching others what you have learned increases your communication skills, confidence, and efficacy as a tactile learner. When a student teaches their fellow students, they develop competency and self-efficacy concerning themselves or themselves. A tactical student can also develop leadership abilities when teaching others what they have learned.

13. Eat snacks when you need

As a tactile learner, you need to eat snacks when you need them during your study. Eating snacks are aimed at simulating movements that are important in the learning process. As discussed before, tactile learners learn things by doing and touching, permitting them to eat snacks when they need them during their study initiate movement and breaks that provide an opportunity for concentration.

Eating snacks will also prevent you from getting irritated when you study as a tactile learner. In addition, since tactile learning involves physical touch, eating snacks will prevent hunger and tiredness that may result from such activities. �

Snacks play an integral role in a tactile learner's life; they enable the learner to engage in the physically active break and serve as refreshment to the learner during the study.

Eating snacks during the study also serves as a task that can help you as the learner to focus on the topic you study. As aforementioned, eating allows the movement of the jaw that can help you increase your concentration and focus on the topic. Generally, tactile learners should eat snacks when needed during their study as part of an effective study approach.

14. Visit museums that provide information concerning your study topic

Museums are a source of knowledge to many learners; tactile learners are not exceptional. As a tactile learner, you might have detected that you recall information when visiting the museum.

When the museum is near your place contains specific information related to your topic of study, you can visit the place and gather as much information as possible. As a kinesthetic or tactile learner, you will recall information through personal experience in a hands-on approach when you visit the museum.

Museums provide information related to different topics. The kind of information that a tactile learner requires relies on individual preference. Museums are an ideal source of knowledge; they provide historical information that can be advantageous to the tactile learner.

As a tactile learner, you can retrieve much information from the museum. For example, when you study US civil war, you can visit the museum related to the US civil war to implement your studies.

Visiting a museum is significant in providing a practical view concerning the topic you study. In addition, visiting a museum is important in ensuring that you remember the information and engage in physical learning regarding the topic.

15. Act out The Topics Under Study

Applying movement will be a game-changer in your study as a tactile learner. Therefore, physically and creatively acting on your topic will enable you to recall them during the test. But, on the other hand, you might get confused about how you can act your topics.

There are numerous ways to act topics that you study by incorporating physical activities that imitate the topic under study. For example, acting out your topic as a tactile learner will enable you to remember the topic during your test quickly.

For example, when you study mitosis, you can physically demonstrate physically how the chromosomes are located in each mitosis stage.

There is no fixed procedure for acting out a particular topic. As a tactile learner, any movement that mimics the concept under discussion will be useful to you in remembering the concepts discussed on the topic. However, the acting out may seem silly; the linked information with movement will increase your memory concerning the topic.

As a tactile learner, developing your personal approach concerning several concepts is fundamental in establishing a rigorous framework that will enable you to remember information concerning the topic under study. In addition, to engage effectively in your study, you should act out the topic to boost your memory about the topic. It is also critical in elevating your level of understanding concepts. �

16. Keep Hands and Feet Busy While Study

As a kinesthetic learner keeping your hands and feet busy while you study will help you understand concepts.

A tactile learner should have something that keeps you busy while you study. For example, you can tap a pencil, fidget your feet, or swing your chair hack and forth when you study. These aspects can help you as a tactile learner to actually learn effectively.

As a tactical leaner, you can have several things that can keep your hands and feet busy while you study. All these things are movement-oriented and aim to keep your hands and feet busy while you study. For example, you can squeeze, stress ball, put balance boards under your feet to enhance your feet moving; you can also roll a tennis ball underneath your foot. Additionally, you can get foam rollers and roll them under your feet. There are many other ways that you can use to keep your hands moving as you study.

As a tactile learner keeping your hands and feet moving will increase your concentration and is vital in enabling you to grasp some of the fundamental concepts you study.

As discussed earlier, tactile learning is based on the physical activeness promoted by movements. Therefore, as a kinesthetic learner, it is significant to engage your feet and hands in movement as you study to enable you to keep the focus on the concepts you are studying.

17. Be active while you study

Tactical learning depends majorly on activeness. As a tactile learner being active during your study is important in enabling you to absorb some of the fundamental concepts concerning the topic.�

Moving some parts of your body, going for a walk and taking your note cards with you, or chewing gum while you study will enable you to improve your learning process.

As a tactile learner engaging in any manner of movement will enable you to be more active while your study. Becoming active while studying as a tactile learner will increase your concentration and focus on several concepts of the topic you study.

As a tactile learner, you need to be active while studying to enhance your understanding of the topic. Moreover, being active will enable you to analyze some of the aspects you study effectively.

Being active is part of tactile learning that plays an important role in ensuring that the learners engage fully in their studies.�

Tactile learner depends on the physical touch that demands that the learner become more active during the learning process than at any other time.

As a tactile learner, you should include activities that increase your activeness during your study to enable you to understand the topic you study effectively. 

Summing up!

Suppose you have assessed your learning style, and it emerges that you are a tactile learner. In that case, you can implement the 17 methods we have listed above. However, do not imitate other study techniques that will drain or derail you. You can as well learn about other styles effective for tactile learners.

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Note that what works for your friends might work for you as learners possess unique characteristics. There is no single method that works best for everyone. It is a matter of trying out what falls within your learning style and applying it effectively.

Your studies must be a hands-on experience for the best results. So even though the 17�tips we have highlighted are basic, they are bound to change the trajectory of your grades if applied well.

Instead of burning the midnight oil to no avail, let your grades reflect the effort. We are optimistic that these valuable tips will shape your studying experience as a kinesthetic learner. They are tried and tested to retain helpful knowledge and information�study best for that upcoming exam, quiz, or test.

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