Steps to writing an Excellent Opinion Essay

author By Mary Boies

There are several types of essays that students regularly encounter in college. You probably know about argumentative essays, descriptive essays, and expository essays. This is because these are the most common types of essays.

opinion essay writing guide

While opinion essays are not very common, they are also not very rare. Often, one of your professors will ask you to write an opinion essay. The opinion essays are written as per the basic five-paragraph essay structure, which you are probably knowledgeable of by now. In these essays, the expectation is that you will evaluate various opinions and reasons then determine the strongest and weakest before supporting your point of view.

In this post, we are going to share with you all you need to know about opinion essays. By the time you are done reading this guide, you will be ready to write an excellent opinion essay. Of course, if you need an opinion essay ASAP, you can simply order one from us right now.

Let's begin.

What is an opinion essay?

An opinion essay is a formal writing task or assignment requiring you to share your thoughts, point-of-view, or beliefs about a particular subject or topic using examples, facts, and reasoning. You are also expected to feature the opposing perspectives but substantiate their inconsistency or weakness through arguments and well-backed claims.

An opinion essay or opinion writing involves:

When writing opinion, you must express your thoughts and beliefs coherently to increase the essay's readability and make it easy to understand.

While the typical opinion essay is almost entirely based on the writer's opinion (subjective views), it will most likely have a few references. This is because while the writer is expected to share their views, they will most likely use examples and provide explanations. And these things typically require citations and references.  

An opinion essay is unlike an argumentative or persuasive essay, where you pick a side and defend it then write counterarguments to your main argument. When writing an opinion paper, you focus on your opinion or perspective about an issue. Explaining the opposing view balances your essay and shows you are a critical thinker.

The purpose of an opinion essay

"Why do I have to write an opinion essay?" you may ask. Well, you get assigned to write an opinion essay for many reasons.

When a professor asks you to write an opinion essay, they teach you to articulate your position clearly. They are also looking at the depth of your knowledge and your thinking. This is why it is important to look at the feedback you get. It will tell you what you need to improve to write and under things better.

You also learn and practice writing opinion essays to improve your writing skills significantly. You will particularly improve your ability to articulate your ideas. This will be helpful to you when writing other types of essays and even when communicating with your peers.

Writing opinion essays also allows you to explore critical and current topics. While opinion essays are primarily focused on your thoughts and ideas, you need to read more to take and support a point of view. So, every time you get assigned an opinion essay in your course, you will be researching and reading more, which will help you understand different issues better.

Opinion Essay vs. Persuasive Essay vs. Argumentative Essay

You could be wondering how an opinion essay is different from a persuasive or argumentative essay. although we have already touched on that when defining an opinion essay, let's further delve into a deeper comparison.

Differences between opinion, persuasive, and argumentative essays


Opinion Essay

Persuasive Essay

Argumentative Essay


A formal piece of writing where you take a stance and support it with reasons, evidence, and examples.

A formal writing task where you express your opinion, and support it with reasons and appeals to influence the support of the readers. It entails using logic and reason to show that one idea is more legitimate than the other.

An essay where you pick a point of view or take a stance on an issue to make your readers to understand and issue and support your point of view through evidence and reason.


Provides an opinion about a controversial topic

Influences the audience to pick a side or do something

Proves a point







Claim statement/thesis





Claim statement/thesis




10 Steps to take when writing an opinion essay

If you want an opinion essay quickly and reasonably priced, you should order one from us. You should read on if you are determined to write your own without professional help from one of our tutors.

This section will share all the steps to write a good opinion essay. All the steps in this section will help you write an engaging essay that can earn you the maximum points.

Pre-Writing Stage

The prewriting stage is the preparations phase, where you get the specifics about your opinion essay, envision the end as you start, and plan how to achieve the end.

1. Know what an opinion essay means

Before you write an opinion essay, you should know what an opinion essay means. An opinion essay is an essay that requires you to share your thoughts and beliefs. This assignment requires you to talk about a topic from your point of view.

And even if it requires your point of view, you still must present facts and evidence to support or defend your position. So, don't write about a topic without actually doing research as you would typically do when writing a standard or ordinary essay.

2. Read the instructions

As part of your pre-writing process, read and comprehend the information about the essay. Professors assign essays through essay prompts. An opinion essay prompt will have the formatting, topic, and style instructions.

Reading the instructions lets you understand the scope of the essay, the types of evidence to use, the number of resources, the direction of the essay, and the main points or arguments to feature in your opinion essay. This step is also essential for you to brainstorm ideas to include in your essay before researching.

As you read the instructions, ask yourself:

You can then brainstorm around the answers to these questions to develop ideas that you can use to select a topic or shape the scope of your opinion essay.

3. Select a suitable topic

As part of the pre-writing process, selecting a reasonable, controversial, and manageable topic is imperative. Although, in some instances, your instructor might be gracious enough to give you a topic or a list of opinion essay topics, some instructors prefer that you choose one for yourself.  

Select a debatable topic and one that you are passionate about. You do not want to choose a topic that will consume your time and space. Also, select a topic relatable to the public so you can give information they don't know.

4. Do comprehensive research

This tip might seem obvious, but it is not. When many students are told to write an opinion essay, they write their opinion on the topic. Yes, this might seem far-fetched, but it is not. Of course, writing an opinion essay requires you to provide your opinion. However, your opinion must be supported by evidence, data, or facts.

In other words, it is essential to research before writing an opinion essay. This will make your opinion essay academic and thoroughly engaging. Remember, an opinion essay is meant to assess the depth of your knowledge and writing skills. So do not forget to do research to demonstrate knowledge and how you understand things. And as you research, organize your research based on your preferred angle.

5. Write an outline

After doing research on your topic of choice, it is expected that you are now knowledgeable about the scope and direction of your essay. Therefore, you need to consider what you will write about before starting.

In other words, you need to decide your opinion or view. After deciding on your position, you need to write an outline. Make sure your outline is focused and clear. This will make your essay focused and clear.

Take your time to understand the issue, consider the available evidence, and brainstorm about what you want the final essay to look like. It is your chance to create a roadmap for your opinion essay.

Never skip the outlining part because it helps you organize your paragraphs to ensure cohesiveness and flow of ideas. You can develop ideas based on their importance without skipping any details.

Writing Stage

Immediately after you finish the outline, you can break to shell out the monotony or boredom. You can now begin to draft your opinion essay in the second stage. You will most likely write more than one draft until you perfect the essay. For your opinion essay, you will start writing and developing the body paragraphs, introduction, and conclusion.

6. Write the introduction

After researching and writing an outline, you must write an attention-grabbing opening. You can do this using an anecdote, an interesting fact, a rhetorical question, or a statistic. If you do not grab attention from the get-go, your essay will not be attractive to the reader. So, take your time to write an attention-grabbing opening.

It is the light that shines to beckon your readers. Remember, the introduction of an essay is where the magic all happens - you can either interest or scare away your readers.

Introducing a hook sentence captures your readers' attention, keeps them motivated to read, and makes them anticipate your next points until the end of your opinion essay.

Professors typically want to find the writer's opinion in the introduction when reading opinion essays. This allows them to follow, understand, and assess the essays better.

So, make sure you share your opinion in the first paragraph of your essay. Include it in the thesis statement of your essay. This will not only help readers but also help you to structure your article nicely.

So, a quick one: you should highlight the intent of your essay and its significance in the introduction. The thesis statement should be the last line or two of your introduction paragraphs for the opinion essay. This is your main argument or controlling idea you are giving an opinion about.

7. Write the body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs come after the first paragraph. Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea in the paragraph. The body paragraphs present the arguments on the thesis statement or your stance on an issue or topic. Your outline should make the process of writing easy.

So, refer to it and fill in the words to make it count. There is no limit to the number of arguments to use in an opinion essay. However, ensure that you stick to one idea in each body paragraph. Consider each paragraph a mini-essay with a topic sentence, evidence, and concluding sentence.

You should follow the topic sentence with reasons, evidence, and explanations to support the main claim or thesis statement. Provide sufficient evidence for your opinions to convince your readers. Ensure that your different points are supported by facts from literature written by other scholars on the topic.

Finally, conclude the paragraph using a concluding sentence that transitions your reader to the next paragraph. Writing paragraphs is like closing a loop before transitioning to the next for an ideal flow of ideas.

8. Write the Conclusion

The conclusion of your essay should summarize your entire essay. You should ensure that it completes the loop for the entire essay. Here, you must rephrase and restate the thesis statement. You have to inform your readers about your stance and summarize your reasons. Close the loop by writing a final sentence that calls to action or leaves your readers thinking about your essay.

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Post-Writing Stage

The post-writing activities come after you are done with the drafting process. It entails checking and assessing your essays to ascertain that everything is okay before you can hand in your essay for marking.  After completing the first draft, take a break and only revise and edit when you have had enough rest.

9. Revise the essay

Go through the entire opinion essay as though you are the marker. Read it out loud to yourself to determine the areas that need tweaking. Make the necessary amendments and ensure a good flow of ideas. Here is where you lengthen your essay, cut it short, or truncate some words. You can also make changes, some involving changing the vocabulary.

10. Edit and proofread the essay

The final step before submitting your opinion essay is to edit and proofread your essay. you can use either Grammarly, Ginger, Hemingway Editor, or Prowritingaid for this stage. These editors enable you to spot mistakes in your writing. You can identify run-on sentences, ambiguous vocabulary, poorly developed ideas, spelling and grammatical errors, and many issues that arise when writing. 

Structure of an Opinion Essay

The structure of an opinion essay is the same structure used to write the standard 5-paragraph essay. And if you are a college student in the US, you indeed have written several standard 5-paragraph essays.

Below is a 5-paragraph structure you can use to write a well-balanced opinion essay.

5-Paragraph Opinion Essay Structure

What to Include

Introduction paragraph

Rewrite the topic in your own words

Share your opinion

 Briefly state your supporting arguments

1st body paragraph

State strongest supporting argument

Explain the argument using evidence

Link to the topic

2nd body paragraph

State the second strongest supporting argument

Explain the argument using evidence

Link to the topic

3rd body paragraph

State the second strongest supporting argument

Explain the argument using evidence

Link to the topic

Conclusion paragraph

Summarize your opinion

Restate key supporting arguments

Share final thoughts

Format of an opinion essay

In this section, you will discover how to write an opinion essay using the 5-paragraph structure shared in the above section. The structure has three distinct parts - the introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion paragraph.

Find out what to include in the paragraphs in the three steps below.

Introduction paragraph

The introduction paragraph of an opinion essay must include three elements - an exciting rewrite or paraphrasing of the topic, a thesis statement, and your opinion or position on the topic. You need to find a way to include all these three things in your introduction paragraph. At the same time, you must make sure your introduction paragraph makes the audience want to learn more about your opinion. An excellent way to start your opinion essay is to include an excellent hook or attention-grabber that engages your readers immediately.

If, for example, you are asked to write an opinion essay on whether sanctions will help to stop Russia's aggression in Ukraine, here is how you could include the three elements above Russia is the aggressor. The world is shocked, surprised, and very concerned about Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The United States and the Western World is responding with tough economic sanctions. Will the sanctions work? I think so, and I will share with you three reasons why.

The Main Body paragraphs

If you are writing a standard five-paragraph essay, you will need three body paragraphs. Your goal when writing the body paragraphs is to support your opinion fully. After reading the body paragraphs of your essay, the audience must easily and see why you had the opinion you made in the introduction paragraph. You can use paragraph organization strategies such as PEEL formatting.

You should begin each body paragraph with a supporting argument for your main opinion. You should then expand on the supporting argument. Data, evidence, or examples should then follow this. You should then write a small conclusion linking the supporting argument to your thesis / main opinion. You should write all the body paragraphs in this manner.

Conclusion paragraph

After writing the four paragraphs above (introduction and body paragraphs), you need to end your opinion essay with a conclusion paragraph. The conclusion paragraph is probably the easiest to write. It wraps up your paper and closes the loop of your essay.

The paragraph should begin with you summarizing your main argument or opinion and then linking or connecting key supporting arguments.

 You should never introduce new facts or arguments in the conclusion. After restating key supporting arguments, you should share a message concluding your writing. Try to make the last line memorable or thought-provoking.

Here is a good example of a concluding thought-provoking message: The sanctions imposed will negatively affect the Russian economy and push the Russian leadership to respond. However, how soon the Russian leadership responds and its exact response remains to be seen.

Having an essay outline cuts down the otherwise lengthy research process by half because you know what to focus on. You will focus on specific sources to get evidence to back your claims.

Having a great outline for your essay gets you at 75% of the work ahead of students who fail to plan ahead. You also think ahead and overcome writer's block because you will join the major arguments using transition words.

Things to do to score better in your opinion essay

Here are some basic things you should check when writing your opinion essay.

1. Never phrase your essay title as a question

Phrasing your essay title as a question will not benefit you. This is because it will make the reader think about and answer the question before they start reading your opinion. If their answer is not the side you support in your essay, it is improbable that the reader will agree.

Remember, while sharing your opinion in an opinion essay, you must convince the reader why you are right. And making them disagree with you before they start reading is not the way to do this.

2. Use active voice whenever you can

Most academic assignments usually involve writing in a passive voice. While this is okay for research papers, academic papers, and many essays, it is not for opinions. Your opinion about a topic is best expressed in active voice constructions so use active voice.

3. Share your best argument first

After sharing your opinion in the introductory paragraph, you must share your supporting arguments in the following body paragraphs. Make sure your strongest supporting argument is in the first body paragraph and the second strongest is in the second body paragraph. This will help you to convince your readers better.

4. Do not fear getting professional help

Very few people finish college life without seeking professional help at some point. If you feel like writing an opinion essay will be a huge mountain for you to climb, you should order your opinion essay from as. We have tutors who are ready to write a custom sample opinion essay for you quickly. You can use an essay as a guide or in any other way, please.

5. Other useful opinion-writing tips

Generally, there are some dos and don'ts when writing an opinion essay. Below are some things to consider.

Perfect Sentence Starters for an Opinion Essay

Writing an opinion essay entails explaining your perspective on an issue and defending it using references and examples. You can achieve a balance when writing by including specific words and phrases that make you sound genius.  

If you are in the process of opinion writing and would use some more words to revamp your essay or make it score better, these phrases and transition words can cut it:

When writing, couple these words with adverbs, nouns, adjectives, and verbs to improve the tone of your essay. Check out more linking words to include in the essay.

Opinion Essay Topics and Ideas

Below are some topics and ideas you can write your opinion essay about.

  1. Should the electoral college be abolished?
  2. Are presidents above the law?
  3. Do cats make better pets than dogs?
  4. Your opinion on the president's role
  5. Is China a surveillance state?
  6. Monarchies are beneficial for world peace
  7. Technology is making us stupid
  8. Is e-sport a real sport?
  9. Should CEOs earn more than employees?
  10. Should fathers be given paternity leave?
  11. Is capitalism dead?
  12. Should workdays be reduced to four per week?
  13. Should we become vegetarians?
  14. Should teenagers be barred from social media?
  15. Should it be mandatory to learn a second language?
  16. Are indigenous languages becoming extinct?
  17. Are multicultural societies better?
  18. Is AI safe for humans in the future?
  19. Importance of honesty
  20. Is it possible to love two people?
  21. Is monogamy a solution to infidelity?
  22. Should corrupt leaders be hanged?
  23. Suicide rates among teenagers can be reduced
  24. Technology impacts kids
  25. Developing countries should have their own reserves
  26. Global warming is a reality
  27. Global warming is a hoax
  28. Indigenous people can do reforestation to Amazon forest
  29. Dangers of globalization
  30. Impacts of burnout on nurses
  31. Autism is manageable
  32. Racial bias in the American justice system
  33. Children should not be caned
  34. Facebook destroys relationships
  35. Whatsapp has made the world smaller
  36. Memes entertain more than songs
  37. Twitter as a political control tool
  38. Smartphones are the new media outlet
  39. E-books are more convenient than hard copy books
  40. Students should specialize in the early stages of learning
  41. Online learning is better than traditional classroom learning
  42. Gender schools are irrelevant
  43. Video games create violent children
  44. Fashion needs and crime
  45. Are fast foods to blame for rising cases of childhood obesity?
  46. Should kids be included as cast of horror and violent movies?
  47. Should college education be free?
  48. Should animals be used for testing cosmetic products?
  49. Is plastic surgery ethical?
  50. Do movies influence behavior and character?
  51. Are parents the real mentors?
  52. Impact of diversity in the workplace
  53. Hollywood shapes the contemporary society
  54. The USA uses propaganda to benefit itself and undermine other nations
  55. Preschool children should spend more time outdoors
  56. Camping improves fitness and health
  57. Gender bias should be shunned
  58. Rock music is better than reggae music
  59. Media influences violence
  60. Social media affects self-esteem of users

Final remarks

As is it evident in this work, writing an opinion essay is a somewhat easy thing to do once you know what an opinion essay is, its structure, and the steps to writing one. You now know everything important you need to know about opinion essays. You also know all the tips you need to know to make your opinion essay a work of art.

Try writing your opinion essay now. If you want your essay written faster, you should order one from us right now. We have professional tutors who are ready to provide you with all the help you need.

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