How to write an Excellent Business Essay from Start to Finish

author By Mary Boies

You’ve probably searched the internet seeking knowledge on “how to write a business essay and score an A.” That could be a good reason why you are reading this article. Not just an article but a comprehensive guide covering all aspects of business essay writing. Look, our expert business writers have compiled the best business essay writing tips for you so that you can follow the steps and excel in your next essay.

how to write a business essay and get an A

This business essay writing guide will teach you how to write an essay on any business topic. You will also have a look at an example of a short business essay to help you know how to integrate research, critical thinking, creativity, and writing skills to craft an award-winning business essay.

Let’s dive right in and see what’s in it for you. But before then, if all you need is to hire a business essay writer, talk to us; we have writers who will custom write your essay from scratch. Buy a custom-written and plagiarism-free business essay from us and change your mindset and grades.

What is a business essay?

A business essay is a standard academic essay that explores an aspect of business, finance, management, or any other business-related topic. It can focus on general business topics such as ethics, business communication, management and leadership, human resource (HRM), finance and accounting, economics, auditing, business studies, taxation, or international business. It can also be an essay you write based on a case study trying to solve an issue, but this is more of a case study analysis essay, which we have extensively discussed in our other guides.

When assigned to write a business essay, you are being asked to respond to a series of questions or a question, convincing your readers that your approach to explaining, analyzing, discussing, or arguing the topic is valid. It is as simple as an essay where you construct and defend arguments based on some questions or topics.

A business essay is not to be confused with a business report. The business essays entail developing logical arguments in response to questions, while reports have headings and sub-headings addressing different aspects of a topic.

In business schools or courses, you write business essays to conduct research, internalize business concepts, use creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills and integrate the latest business resources. You also do it to know how to deal with some business issues or integrate best practices in business.

7 Steps to writing a perfect business Essay

When assigned to write a business essay, you should spend the first few hours or days planning your essay, then write it and edit it before submitting it. To get an overview of how you should write that essay, we have broken it all down to seven steps that we have seen work well.

Step 1: Read and comprehend the instructions

Before you commence writing an essay, you need first to read the questions you are asked to answer. Then, take some time and go through the business essay prompt, rubric, and instructions from class. Knowing what to write and how to help you limit the scope of your research and that of your essay.

In most cases, the essay question concerns a topic. However, this does not mean that you write about anything or everything you know about the specific topic. Instead, it means focusing on specific aspects of the topic based on the directions that guide your approach to the topic.

When reading the instructions, focus on some keywords that guide your approach. Depending on the lingo of the question, these words can help you determine the level of analysis required.

Step 2: Select a good business Topic and Essay Title

As you read through the instructions, you will identify the best topic to focus your essay on. In most cases, your professor or instructor will provide you with a topic or a list of topics to choose from. However, there are also a few occasions where your professor/instructor will allow you to choose a topic but guide you on the scope so that you limit your arguments.

When you are allowed to select a topic, choose a topic that is neither narrow nor broad. Select a topic that you have an interest in, one that you can share as much information as there is without getting bored. Also, focus on a topic that relates to your major. An excellent place to begin searching the topic is your lecture notes, assigned readings, or asking for suggestions from your instructor.

Finally, focus on a topic where you can use concepts, facts, models, and ideas from class. The topic will determine the type of essay you write: problem-solution, persuasive, argumentative, expository, or synthesis.

After choosing a good topic, also extend your process by choosing a good title for your essay. The essay title should be short, clear, and concise such that it beckons your readers to read more.

Step 3: Brainstorm and Research

Like any other academic essay, a business essay bases its arguments on facts, examples, evidence, and illustrations from literature written by business scholars or experts. Doing high-quality research is necessary and mandatory for you to write a perfect business essay paper. You should look for scholarly sources based on business knowledge and facts from reputable academic resources.

Check the business magazines, company websites, business books, business reports, periodicals, and business journals. You can also check market research and business research.

As you research, draw resources from the academic business peer-reviewed journals recently published (5-10 years). When researching, take notes and record the resources you can use when writing the essay. You will develop a perspective, which is vital for the next step.

Step 4: Formulate a thesis statement

After researching, you most probably would have developed a perspective on the topic. The thesis statement is the focal point of your business essay and a vital element of the introduction to your essay. It is the main message or the controlling idea of your essay. For example, a good thesis could read Ethics is an important aspect of business that can lead to the growth of a business’s customer base, profits, and influence.

The thesis statement comes as one or two last sentences of the introduction of a business paper. Sometimes the thesis statement precedes the signposting sentence or the outline of how the thesis is defended in the essay. The thesis statement should be connected to your main points, the title, and the question/topic. It should be clear, debatable, and precise.

Step 5: Plan your essay

Now that you have your resources and your preliminary thesis statement, it is time to write the essay outline. Writing a good business essay outline gets the work half done. The outline is a skeleton of the essay or, if you may say, the map of how you envision the final essay to be. It is the blueprint upon which you build your essay.

Although outlining seems like a waste of time, it is probably the most critical step that successful business students often use. It takes a short time but helps you plan your essay and avoid surprises or deviations when writing.

Creating an outline should allow you to arrange the points or ideas based on their order of importance. You will also be able to create a logical sequence of the points so that you can write easily. For instance, you can focus on single ideas per every paragraph and determine the resources, evidence, and examples to use. At the same time, you can choose the best transition words and phrases to use to maintain a good flow.

Sometimes, you might be asked to first submit a business essay outline for approval before actually writing the essay.

As you write the main points, ensure you number the paragraphs and ideas uniquely so that you can assess whether what you have written addresses the topic or answers the question. Outlining helps you single out the most relevant arguments and structure your paper.

Our business essay writing service successfully completed many business essays because the writers planned the papers well. It is the sole reason we complete all the papers on time and send error-free business papers to our clients.


Step 6: Write your First Draft

After planning the essay, you can take a break to refresh your brain. You now have everything to set you up for a successful business essay writing process. You have all the relevant data resources at this stage and know what your paper needs to look like. It is the perfect time to begin writing. And when you write, focus on writing and not polishing because, after all, it’s a rough first draft.

Go through the requirements to determine the formatting style requirements, word count, scope, and focus of your essay. You can then begin writing each of the paragraphs of your essay. The introduction paragraph should follow the funnel structure where you begin with a hook, provide a brief and precise background introducing the topic, write the thesis statement, and finalize with an outline of how you argue out the thesis in your business essay.

If you wonder how to begin a business essay, look at how to use essay hooks effectively. It would be best to begin it with statistics, anecdotes, rhetorical questions, quotes, or factual statements.

After the introduction is complete, move on to developing the body paragraphs. If you feel like coming up with the introduction first is challenging, you can begin developing the body paragraphs and then write it. Doing so helps you write a comprehensive introduction that covers the essential aspects addressed in the body of your business essay.

For the body paragraphs, ensure a sound topic sentence, a series of evidence, examples, and facts, and a concluding sentence that transitions the paragraph to the next. In addition, each body paragraph should have a single point of idea related to the thesis statement.

Finally, conclude your essay by restating and reframing the thesis, summarizing the main arguments, and presenting final remarks that can be a call-to-action or statement that leaves the readers satisfied with your essay. The conclusion should show your main point of view.

In some cases, such as when writing a 2000-word business essay, your instructor might request that you write a synopsis. A synopsis summarizes the essay, usually 100-150 words long. It is the same as the executive summary of a business report. It should be written after you’ve written an essay. A synopsis gives an overview of the main argument. It is placed on a separate page in front of the essay like we do the abstract of research papers or executive summaries of reports.

Step 7: Proofread, Revise, and Edit your Essay

Immediately you are done with writing a business paper; you should take some rest. Resting helps you break the monotony of researching and writing an essay. It also enables you to drop the biased mind and take up an objective mindset that can help you spot mistakes.

After the break, read the essay to yourself aloud to spot the mistakes. Then, check the essay through plagiarism checkers to ensure that it has no plagiarism. Ensure that all the in-text citations are relevant and well-placed. Ensure that every information cited in the body features in your reference list.

Check whether you have adhered to the conventions of APA, Harvard, or MLA writing styles. Then, assess your paper against the rubric and begin working towards achieving the best grades. A reverse outline can come in handy at this point. Most importantly, read through your essay several times and hire a professional proofreader to help you spot and correct mistakes in your business essay. A perfect business essay is error-free, plagiarism-free, well-formatted, and answers the essay prompt. As you check through your essay, weed out any strange or invalid vocabulary, punctuation errors, or grammar mistakes.

Watch the business essay example in the video below:

Business Essay Format

When writing your essay, you should adhere to the instructions from your school. Check the rubric and essay instructions for further details on formatting. Below are some general comments on formatting a business essay.

MLA format

Font: 12pt Times New Roman.

Spacing: single or double-spacing.

Margins: One-inch margin on all sides.

Page numbers: top left corner after your last name.

Title Page MLA 8: Located on the left upper corner

APA Format

Font: 12pt Times New Roman

Spacing: single or double-spacing

Margins: One-inch margin on all sides

Page numbers: top left corner

Title Page APA 7: Title of the paper, author’s name, course code: course name, institutional affiliation, instructor’s name, date of submission.

Harvard Format

Font: 12pt Times New Roman

Spacing: single or double-spacing

Margins: One-inch margin on all sides

Page numbers: top left corner

Title Page: title of your essay (in capital letters), your name, your course name, and code, name of school, city, state, and date of submission.

 Business Essay Outline and Structure

A business Essay follows the 5-paragraph essay structure. However, longer essays might have more than 3 body paragraphs.

I. Cove page/ Title Page

II. Introduction

III. Body Paragraphs

(You can create up to the nth paragraph using the same format and pattern)

IV. Conclusion

V. Reference list

VI. Appendices

Business Essay Topics

Below are some topics and topic ideas for your business essay. A search on the internet will yield the most relevant and plausible topics on which you can write an essay. However, ensure that the topics are related to your course.

Human Resources Topics

  1. Role of staff training in improving customer retention
  2. Customer retention strategies
  3. AI-based job analysis
  4. Recruiting through online platforms versus traditional channels
  5. How to address incivility and bullying in the workplace
  6. Strategies to motivate employees
  7. Educational programs for employees
  8. Health advocacy programs for employees
  9. How to become a model organization and an employer of choice
  10. Benefits of strategic HR management
  11. Impacts of Covid-19 on retention of employees
  12. Benefits of flexible working arrangements for employees

Organizational Behavior Topic Ideas for Essays

  1. Using soft power to steer organizational growth
  2. Strategies to promote employees in the workplace
  3. How to improve organizational communication
  4. Instilling corporate social responsibility mindset among employees
  5. Strategies to promote healthy working environments
  6. Impacts of toxic work environments
  7. How to promote diversity in the workplace
  8. Benefits of diversity in the workplace
  9. Role of leadership on organizational growth
  10. How to reduce the psychological pressure on workers with disability
  11. Using technology to promote organizational performance
  12. Surveillance of employees in the workplace
  13. Role of managers in ensuring the financial performance of an organization

Persuasive Business essay Topics

  1. Should employees have a specific dress code?
  2. Is surveillance of employees without their consent ethical?
  3. Should organizations restrict access to social media from company computing devices?
  4. Should organizations hire skilled workers over educated employees?
  5. Are experienced workers better than new entrants with same-level skills?
  6. Should companies invest more in virtual teams?
  7. Should company CEOs earn higher than employees?
  8. Businesses should adopt green principles
  9. Greenwashing affects the reputation of businesses
  10. Managers should learn crisis management principles
  11. Poor leadership leads to business failure
  12. Organizations should allow both mothers and fathers a week to enjoy themselves with their families
  13. Companies should have designated smoking zones
  14. Companies are responsible for healthy work environments
  15. Diversity ensures organizational success

Argumentative Business Essay Topics

  1. Leaders are not born but made
  2. Succession planning prepares organizations for the future
  3. A handsome pay scale is better than incentives for motivating employees
  4. Companies should not track the social media use of their employees outside work environments
  5. A good working environment is better than a high salary
  6. Teamwork should be encouraged in organizations
  7. Is self-employment better than being employed?
  8. Can anyone become an entrepreneur?
  9. Are loans a better investment means for small businesses?
  10. Do technology help startup businesses grow?
  11. Is digital marketing better than traditional marketing?
  12. Should companies buy data of potential clients?
  13. Is privacy guaranteed in the age of data analytics?
  14. Should businesses invest in data analytics?
  15. Is Big Data beneficial to corporations?
  16. MNCs should have an equal pay structure for both locals and expatriates
  17. Should companies that do price gouging be banned?
  18. Are mergers and other strategic alliances beneficial?
  19. Are ethical businesses successful?
  20. Is the buy-black-build-back racist?
  21. Should advertisers advertise to children?
  22. Multilevel marketing should be illegal
  23. Brands should use storytelling to promote products
  24. Influences mislead consumers for personal gains

International Business Essay Topics

  1. Impacts of covid-19 on international supply chain systems
  2. Impacts of fraud on international business
  3. Country of origin labels and performance of products in the international market
  4. Strategies foreign companies can use to enter new markets
  5. McDonaldization of the world
  6. Role of trade blocs in economic growth
  7. Technology and knowledge transfer processes in international business
  8. Knowledge management in multinational organizations
  9. How corruption affects MNCs
  10. Impacts of terrorism on international business
  11. How the Russia-Ukraine tussle affects the international business
  12. The impacts of China-USA trade war
  13. Marketing strategies used by successful hotel chains
  14. Impacts of globalization on international business
  15. Role of ethics in the pharmaceutical business
  16. How branding affects organizational visibility
  17. Crisis communication strategies for large organizations
  18. Centralized vs. decentralized international businesses
  19. Importance of strategic planning in MNCs
  20. Corporate culture in MNCs

Business Essay Checklist

A good business essay demonstrates to your instructor, professor, or assessor that you have understood and answered the question. It also shows that you have employed critical thinking, creativity, analytical, and problem-solving skills. It should also present a tightly structured and reasoned argument supported by facts, examples, and evidence. Below is a list of things you should ensure are in your essay; call it a checklist for your business essay.

  1. The essay has a formal business essay structure featuring the title page, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, references page, and appendices.
  2. The introduction has an effective attention grabber or essay hook
  3. The opening has a clear background statement, thesis statement, and an outline of how arguments are presented to support the thesis in the essay
  4. The introduction clearly identifies the issue
  5. The body paragraphs each have a single idea, are logically flowing, and have a balanced word count
  6. Each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of the paragraph and connects it to the entire essay
  7. Each paragraph has evidence, illustrations, and examples to support the main point
  8. The conclusion offers the final answer to the essay question
  9. The conclusion summarizes the main points
  10. You have restated your main position, using new words far from how you framed the thesis in the introduction
  11. You have featured a final comment and not introduced any new ideas
  12. Your entire essay is devoid of grammatical, syntax, spelling, and punctuation errors
  13. You have run your paper through plagiarism and grammar checkers, and it is all good
  14. Your essay follows an appropriate academic style, i.e., it is formal and objective
  15. You have acknowledged the ideas, evidence, and arguments from other scholars and experts through in-text citations
  16. All the in-text citations follow the right format
  17. Your essay uses a variety of scholarly resources such as journals, news articles, books, company reports, and periodicals
  18. You have correctly formatted the short and long quotes
  19. You have provided citations where you quote and paraphrase from other sources
  20. You have a list of references at the end of your essay on a separate page after the conclusion
  21. Your essay meets the single, double, or 1.5 spacing requirement
  22. Your pages are well-numbered
  23. You have a cover sheet included in your course outline
  24. Your essay has the correct length (+ or -10% of the word count is allowed but consult with your instructor first)
  25. Your essay is submitted within the deadline and in the proper format. It meets all the RUBRIC requirements.

Final Remarks

These business essay tips we have shared in this guide are a guaranteed way to write an essay that gets you the best grade. Remember, planning is everything in business essay writing. It cuts down the time you spend in research and writing to half.

Also Read:

We have suggested topics that you can use when writing these essays. For example, if you are stuck with a business essay, you can hire top business writers to work with you. It could be a marketing, HR, communication, or finance essay; whichever business field it is from, we have experts ready to help.

We wish you all the best as you write your essay, and if you are stuck, don’t hesitate to ask for our help.

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